Yes, there are writing business ideas you can make money with, if you know what they are and exactly how.

This article reveals as many as 25 best writing business ideas you can use to make money with.


Why Writing Business Ideas? 

There are many ways in which we communicate with other people.

Some of those ways include verbal communication where through our language, spoken by both individuals, ideas and communication can occur.

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

Another way that we can communicate is through hand signals or sign language or even through a look.

Often, this is a powerful communication tool used by parents or spouses when wishing to convey their pleasure or displeasure towards another individual.

Another great way for individuals to communicate and express ideas is through writing.

Writing is a basic learned way to communicate when we are in our pre-school days and on through our higher education.

The quality of writing is that it can go beyond speaking to one another as it actually puts in words the ideas or the communication that is being expressed.

Writing is just as important today.

Therefore let us look at some writing business opportunities in order to utilize this basic fundamental way of communicating and the possibility of earning money.


Personal Story

One of my roles in my last job before retirement was to be called upon to interview individuals who would respond to certain job opportunities that we had vacancies for.

One of the first introductions to an applicant would be through their resume.

I tried to give the individual the benefit of the doubt but must admit that at times it was difficult to get past some of the poorly written resumes, especially if the position called for various reports to be written or the capturing of notes in an individual’s file.

Generally, these resumes if the individual had the experience and education were set aside in a provisional file and were revisited if the other resumes did not stand out with those needed qualities.


25 Best Writing Business Ideas to Make Money With


1. Tech Manual Writer

A tech manual writer or a business that writes manuals is a critical part of the sales of an item.

A well-written manual will clearly and concisely guide the reader through their new purchase, how the product is best utilized, and optimized for complete satisfaction.

The tech manual writer should not get bogged down in all of the unnecessary details but clearly guide the customer through the step-by-step process with any installation, how to utilize the product, troubleshooting possibilities, precautions, etc.


2. Grant Writer

A grant writer is an individual who seeks to receive support from a foundation or company that provides grants for services that are provided in the community.

One of the critical positions within a not-for-profit is an individual who can succinctly capture the particular need in the community and how the not-for-profit will meet that need.

A quality grant writer can command a good salary based on their hourly work or on the entire job completed.

Related: Websites to Get Grants For Single Mothers.


3. Children’s Books  

Children’s books are in great demand and the writing needs to resonate with the young person.

To write a good children’s book requires a vivid imagination, proper use of age-appropriate vocabulary as well as a generous sprinkling of childish humor.

Related: How to Make Money Publishing a Children’s Books.


4. Blogging

Another way for an individual to earn money by writing is through blogging.

The blogger can write for their own particular blogging website or they can provide a narrative for individuals who employ their writer’s skills.

A blogger should use words that are creative, engaging, informative, entertaining, etc.

A good blogging website is like having a conversation with an individual only through the use of words.


5. Creative Writer  

A creative writer is an individual that has an extensive vocabulary and uses the perfect word to share a story that is either fiction or nonfiction and will resonate with the reader.

A creative writer will actually create a vision or picture in the reader’s mind as to what thoughts or ideas they are trying to convey.


6. Ghost Writer  

A ghostwriter is a writer that will take a story, fiction or nonfiction, from another individual and write that story not using their own “voice” but using the voice or tone of the individual and the story that they are trying to convey.

Often, ghostwriting opportunities are afforded through freelancing websites and pay is generally based on a certain amount of money per word generated.


7. Newsletter Writing

A newsletter is an informative written document that conveys news that is pertinent to an organization and is written with the particular stakeholder in mind.

In the case of not-for-profit, it could highlight certain stories on how the donated money is utilized to make a significant impact in the lives of others.

A quality newsletter will resonate with the individual and not only touch their heart but also the possibilities of the donor opening up their wallet to continue to contribute and support the organization.


8. Proposals  

A proposal is a written document that can capture a number of ideas or agreements in which two parties are involved.

The proposal usually spells out what the terms of the agreement are, what the actual proposal is, the responsibilities of each of the entities involved, etc.

The proposal should capture concisely what is proposed and be clear to all parties concerned.

Examples of a proposal could include an offer of employment, use of property, etc. 


9. Plays  

One of the dramatic venues for entertainment is the play.

A play is an acted-out story that unfolds through various acts and scenes and relates a story between all of the actors and actresses and engages the audience.

Acting in a play is critical.

However, perhaps even more critical is a good script or the writing of the narrative.

The writing should be engaging, captures a significant number of human elements and experiences, and keeps the story moving so as to maintain the attention of the audience.


10. Business Plan

A business plan is a formal document that has many moving parts to the narrative.

A business plan is usually created when a company begins its operations in a community.

The business plan captures the reason for the business being formulated, how it will operate, who all is involved, marketing plans, financials, etc.

The business plan should be laid out logically and will not only be utilized to perhaps gain seed money but will be the boilerplate that the company will follow in achieving financial and service-providing success.


11. Resumes

The writing of resumes is an important function because often, this is the first impression that a potential employer will gain from the applicant.

The resume should introduce the individual, degrees earned through education, experience, and any possible certifications that the individual has achieved.

Through the resume, there should be powerful and actionable words that are used to demonstrate in words the energy and ability of the individual to be a successful employee with the company.


12. e-Book  

An e-book business is a great writing opportunity.

If the individual or writer that you are representing has an idea and wishes to expound on that idea through a written narrative, this is something that they can accomplish without having to worry about submitting a manuscript, an idea for approval, or using a publishing company,

Often the e-book can be self-published as there are a variety of websites.

One of those websites is

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE


13. Copywriter  

Copywriting is the aspect of writing in which an individual will write copy with the purpose being the providing of a narrative to sell a product.

Also, the copywriter can utilize the writing to increase the awareness of a particular brand with the purpose being to purchase the brand or to take a particular action.

A copywriter will professionally use such techniques as taglines and words that create good imagery.



14. Essays  

If you are a good writer and enjoy doing research, another way that you can earn money through writing is by preparing essays for others.

Sometimes, students, for a variety of reasons, will seek an online service that will write essays for the student.

One such website is BestEssays.

Related: How to Make Money Writing Students’ Essays.


15. News Reporter  

Who, what, when, where, why, and how are the major questions that news reporter needs to address in their writing news stories.

There is still a great need for reporters to provide good journalism to readers.

Many newspapers are struggling with the advent of the internet.

Consequently, newspaper reporting staff has been diminished but periodicals still rely on writers and many of those writers are freelancers.


16. Direct Mail  

A direct mail letter is received by a donor or a potential donor from a company, profit or not-for-profit, asking for financial support.

The direct mail piece talks about the challenge that the organization is facing in meeting the needs of those that they are called upon to serve.

The direct mail piece resonates with the reader in that the identified need is real and if action is not taken by you as the reader then many lives will adversely be affected.

The direct mail piece then asks the donor if they would consider a gift in a variety of ways and makes the plea for their support.

The letter is direct, to the point, persuasive, and calls for the individual to act.

This is still a powerful way for companies and businesses to obtain financial support.


17. Proofreader  

You’re writing can be wonderful and the narrative can resonate with the individual.

However, if there is a significant number of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, improper use of tenses, etc. this detracts from the reader’s enjoyment of the writing.

An important and critical role as it relates to writing and possible job opportunities is to be a proofreader.

A proofreader will pour over the document and point out any errors and if instructed to do so will correct those errors to make sure that the writing is grammatically correct.

Related: How to Make Money as an Amazon Proofreader.


18. Speech Writer  

There are two aspects to delivering a good speech.

The first aspect is actually speaking the words and utilizing the proper dynamics, intonations, etc.

The other and probably more important part of the speech is the writing.

There is good money to be earned as a quality speech writer, especially in the area of politics.


19. Product Description Writer  

A product description writer is an important part of a company’s marketing and sales team.

Through the writing of the product and providing a description to the potential customer, the writer introduces the product to the individual, explains succinctly the benefits of the product, and convinces the consumer that they need the product and can’t possibly function without it.

Also See: Mechanical Engineering Business IdeasElectrical Engineering Business Ideas.


20. Lyricist

There are two important components of writing a quality and memorable song.

Those two elements are the melody and the words.

A lyricist is an individual who has a talent or flare in utilizing words to tell a story that has a certain rhythm or movement of their own.

The words tell a story and often rhyme and are complemented by the music and vice versa.

Related: How to Make Money Selling Song Lyrics Online.


21. Transcriber  

A transcriber is an individual with good listening skills and is able to listen to audio recordings and capture word for word what is being conveyed on the audiotapes.

A good transcriber is detailed oriented, is able to type a significant number of words per minute, and can be utilized in such jobs as a medical transcriber or scopist.


22. Web Content  

The web content creator or writer understands that they have a small window of opportunity to connect with the individual browsing the web.

A writer of web content should incorporate the structural basis of good writing but needs to be done succinctly and provided to the reader quickly and concisely.

Related: How to Make Money Online as a Web Content Creator.


23. Writing Tutor  

A writing tutor provides interaction to either a group or individual as it relates to honing their creative writing skills.

A writing tutor will take a narrative from the individual that he or she is tutoring and suggest possible changes in the narrative as it relates to word usage, structuring of sentences, the imagery that is being created, etc.

They will also stimulate the learning process by asking leading questions.

A writing tutor will challenge the student to devote time to their craft and through a series of processes such as rewriting and reworking, come up with a document that is clear, concise, convey the message, etc.


24. Search Engine Optimization

A search engine optimization writer understands the use of keywords in writing the various narratives that they are called upon to be involved with.

An SEO writer utilizes the keywords up to a certain saturation point so that when web browsers do searches based on keywords, their return will bring forward the SEO writer’s particular narrative.


25. General Writing

Of course you can combine different types of writing ideas to make money, instead of  just focusing on one.


Business Ideas for Writers FAQs


Who Said That the Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword?

This phrase is credited to a novelist and playwright by the name of Edward Bulwer-Lytton.

This phrase was first expressed in 1839 when it was written in his historical play entitled Cardinal Richelieu.


What Is Writer’s Block?

Writer’s block is experienced by a writer when they are unable to produce new ideas or are experiencing a creative slowdown as it pertains to their writing.

The best way to overcome writer’s block includes:

  • Go for a walk
  • Eliminate distractions
  • Do something to energize you
  • Take time out to play
  • Read a book
  • Change your environment
  • Etc.


You Can Do It

Whether it is writing about a product, soliciting for money, or sharing a heartfelt story that will resonate with the reader, a quality writer is in great demand.

For you as a writer, your skills can spill over into a variety of categories because the beauty of utilizing words is that they can be adapted for a variety of venues and still have that impact to move people to decisions.



The pen is truly mightier than the sword.

Through the pen and writing, ideas can be expressed creativity can be demonstrated, and through words, people can be motivated and inspired to act beyond themselves and their own limitations.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE