If you want to know how to stop buying stuff you don’t need, you will find this comprehensive article very helpful.

It reveals some of the very best tips that can help you stop buying those things you don’t need.


Can You Really Stop Buying Things You Don’t Need?

Of course you can, especially when you know the benefits to doing just that.

The big problem is that lots of the things we buy may not be very needed, hence the need to stop buying them.

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

It may be harder than it seems to not spend money like it’s growing on trees. Shopping can be addictive, especially when you have lots of free time on your hands.

When you throw in the fact that we are exposed to roughly 10,000 ads per day, that makes for a pretty big wish list.

We’re not just talking about products either, there’s all sorts of ways to spend like TV subscriptions, newspapers, mobile apps, and more.

If you don’t want to end up broke, then you need to follow the tips below to get your spending under control.


20 Helpful Tips to Stop Buying Stuff You Don’t Really Need


1. Ask Yourself Why You Want It

Wanting something and needing are two completely different things. Just because you want something doesn’t mean that you should have it.

People think about quitting their jobs every day and that doesn’t mean they can afford to. So why not have that same thought when it comes to buying things?

Ask yourself why you want a particular item before you buy it. If it doesn’t make sense, then you shouldn’t get it.


2. Figure Out What Value It Adds to Your Life

Psychological studies have proven that when it comes to shopping most people are doing it for purely emotional reasons.

Those reasons can be to make you feel better, help you get through a tough time, or deal with the fact that you haven’t bought something in a while.

Before you click that buy button or fill up on those rare items at the antiques dealer, think about what value your purchase adds to your life.


3. Determine if You Can Really Live Without It

Did you know that a Caramel Macchiato per day at Starbucks costs about $1,625 per year without tax?

That’s the equivalent of a small emergency fund for many people.

As tasty as those coffees are, you can certainly do with an alternative option made from your own kitchen.

Next time you have some spare cash and head to the mall, just use the Starbucks analogy.  Most times you can really live without it.


4. Think About the Money You Could Be Saving

For every dollar that you spend on an item that you think you want, that’s less that goes towards other things.

When you add compound interest then it’s even more money that you are losing out on.

While it’s nice to treat yourself once in a while or get a good revenge spend, your money can be put to better use elsewhere.

Here’s a few ways you can save for your future instead:

  • Invest in a retirement fund
  • Save a down payment on a house
  • Start a college savings fund for your kids.
  • Save for income taxes throughout the year

Also See: Companies and Apps That Pay You to Save Money.


5. Skip the Trip to the Store

Out of sight out of mind is one of those concepts that are typically used to help you ignore something that’s negative in your life or at least something that you are trying to forget about.

If you have just recently come to the realization that your spending habits are unhealthy then perhaps you should take this one to heart and just skip the store altogether.


6. Find Places to Invest Instead

Investing is something that is underrated. Too many people don’t realize that even a small investment is setting you on the path to wealth.

Besides, who doesn’t want to earn money in their sleep.

There are many places available to park your money.  All you have to do is decide on a few basic factors and your money is on autopilot from there.

And of course, it’s very important to ask and answer the following questions, before getting started:

  • What are your investing goals?
  • How much can you deposit upfront?
  • Are you looking for short term gains or long-term dividends?
  • What’s the best brokerage account for you? 


7. Learn to Cancel Unwanted Subscriptions

Subscriptions are great when you can binge watch your favorite shows.

However, they can add up and drain your wallet after a while if you forget about them.

The average monthly fee ranges from $9.00 to $16.00 these days.

You can use the following apps and services to not only remind you to cancel after free trials, but they’ll go over your other bills too and save you money on those:


8. Use An Envelope System

The envelope system is a term we in budgeting circles like to use as a method of savings that involves only spending what you have available.

It’s really easy to use and the concept is to divide your expenses into cash and store specific amounts in envelopes based on their category.

Related: How to Do the 100 Day Money Saving Envelope Challenge.

If you prefer to use digital cash, then we’ve listed a few choices for you as well.

You’d be surprised at how much you can cut back on spending if the money isn’t there for you to touch in the first place.

  • Mvelopes
  • YNAB
  • Good Budget


9. Make Yourself Accountable

Taking accountability for your actions is one of the most difficult things you can do. It’s also one of the best.

Exploring your relationship with material possessions will give you valuable insight.

Once you get a handle on the reasons for your excessive spending, you can begin to put together a game plan to get it under control.


10. Take Up a New Habit

Old habits are hard to break.  But research shows that good ones can be formed in twenty one days.

If buying things that you don’t need is one of your weak points, then try replacing it with something more beneficial to your life.

There are thousands of options to choose from and depending on where you live, the following ones won’t cost that much to get started.

  • Yoga
  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Meditation


Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

11. Reward Yourself a Day at a Time

For every day that you only use money for the things that you do need, that’s a victory over not wasting money on those that you don’t.

You can motivate yourself to keep up the trend by giving yourself micro rewards.

  • Watching your favorite show
  • Taking a small road trip
  • Putting a few extra dollars in your savings account
  • Indulging in that bowl of ice cream you’ve been craving


12. Create A Designated Savings Jar

Banking can be a hassle at times, especially if you live in a remote area or don’t have time in your schedule to get there.

That doesn’t mean it’s the only way that you can save money though.

You can create a savings jar with the idea that each time you see an item you don’t need in the sales papers or online, you will place that amount of money in the jar.

For your digital accounts just transfer that amount into a savings bucket or separate account.

alking about savings, below are some helpful guide to saving money:


Stop Buying Stuff


13. Enlist A Trusted Friend to Help

It’s easier to stay on track when achieving a goal if you have a support system behind you.

Pick a trusted friend or neighbor to help keep your spending in line on those days that you just can’t resist.

One day you may find yourself at the mall entrance and hear their voice in the back of your head saying, “you know you don’t need to buy that”.

Don’t knock it until you try it.


14. Hide Your Credit Cards

Lots of people don’t like carrying cash. With all the digital and touchless pay options out there we can’t really blame you.

For those times that you are up late watching the latest infomercial or scrolling online, and an ad pops up this hack might come in handy.

You may be less tempted to purchase something if you have to look all over the house to find a way to pay for it.


15. Get Good at Goal Setting

The good thing about goals is that you can’t just set it and forget it.  They require you to actively participate to fully enjoy the benefits.

When you align your goal to stop buying things you don’t need by replacing it with a goal of bulking up your vacation fund, it gets a little easier each time.

You don’t have to stop there either. You can set as many goals as you think you can work towards.


16. Program Your Mind to Do Better

Have you ever had a daily mantra or a favorite saying to get yourself excited about something?

Learn to harness the power of positivity to retrain your thoughts in a different direction.

It could be as simple as going from “I can’t do this “ to “ I am in full  control” .


17. Be Grateful for What You Already Have

Gratitude is a feeling that we could all use a little more of at any given time.

It’s pretty easy to take for granted the things that you have while focusing on the things that you don’t.

By being more thankful you can shift your mindset to being more fulfilled by the things you do possess.

Also See: How to Spend Money to Make Money and How to Get Paid for Your Quotes.


18. Make a List of Pros and Cons

One of the most commonly used deciding factors when making a life decision is to list all of the pros and cons.

It can work just as easily when weighing out the positives versus negatives of getting that new car you just can’t live without.

Try implementing it for all pre-purchase decisions.


19. Learn To Tell Yourself No

When you fill your basket with items and go to the checkout line, nobody is there forcing you to take it home with you.

If the cashier is ringing up your selections and you aren’t sure you really want to pay for it, just tell yourself “No” and leave it at the store.


20. Avoid Sales Like the Plague

Sales are one of the best ways to save money, but they are also one of the top reasons people spend money also.

During those times when every dollar counts and you are on a really tight budget, do the opposite of what you normally would.

Resist the urge to go shopping that day and fill up your basket with those “gotta have right now” deals.

The worst that can happen is that you miss out on a few extra discounts, but you will have more money when you need it most.


Stop Buying Stuff FAQs


What is it Called When You Buy Stuff You Don’t Need?

The most common term used when referring to someone who buys stuff they don’t need is a shopaholic.

In a sense it’s like hoarding, except it’s with buying things instead of refusing to get rid of things.

Either one can be just as unhealthy if it develops into an obsession.

Also See: Importance of Becoming Financially Literate and Saving $10,000 in 6 Months.


How Do You Stop Buying Things You Can’t Afford?

You can stop buying things you cannot afford by assessing the damages it can cause to your finances.

One brush with a bounced check, late car payment or empty savings account may have you singing a different tune.

There’s nothing like an emergency that you don’t have the extra cash to cover.


What Are Some Reasons to Not Purchase Something You Don’t Need?

There are many reasons to not purchase something you don’t need.

Some of the most common ones are tied to your ego, self-esteem, relationship with money, and more importantly the fear of missing out.

You can cut out your need to buy stuff by getting to the root causes and doing work to resolve them.



Today we gave an overview of tips and tricks to stop buying what you don’t need.

We know how hard it can be. But if you follow the tips above you just might find yourself a little less materialistic and a little wealthier.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE