If you want to know some of the best sites like Thingiverse, this is the perfect article to read.

It reveals as many as 25 best alternative websites like Thingiverse for sharing User-created Digital Design files.



In 1986 Robert Fulghum, bound together into a book several short essays.

The title of the book was “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.”

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

When it was published it met with positive reviews, but some individuals considered it as rather simplistic in its message.

Some of the key premises in the book were to

  • Playfair
  • Don’t hit people
  • Put things back where you find them
  • Clean up your mess
  • And more

One of the other key teachings was to share everything.

Thingiverse has taken that teaching seriously as this is a website that has created 3-D printer files and they share those files with others.

Many other such websites have chosen to take on this same commitment in sharing files that have been created in creating 3-D items from a 3-D printer.

Let us then share what these other sites are that are similar to Thingiverse.


Personal Story

You know you’re getting old when you start a sentence with “I remember…”.

One of the benefits of aging is that you get to see several things changing right before your eyes and in real-time.

As it relates to printers I can remember back to manual typewriters and then that transformed into electric typewriters.

From there, it was the opportunity to change the font of the typewriter by lifting a lever, pulling off the circular type ball, and inserting a different font to type in his place.

Then on my reminiscent journey, I can recall the Dot-matrix and be fascinated with the way that it could print out reports on the perforated green ledger sheets as well as process letters and other documents.

When you think that it can’t get any better then comes the LaserJet printer followed by the inkjet printer, copy machines that are part of an office network, and documents now can be sent to the copy machine/printer as well as faxed and received.

Oh, and by the way, effortlessly printing, through Bluetooth, from the technology device to the printers and exclaiming, “Look Ma no strings.”

One can only imagine what tomorrow holds.


25 Best Alternative Sites Like Thingiverse


1. Thingiverse 

Thingiverse has available a significant number of 3-D printer files and indicates that it is one of the largest online maker communities.

All of the files, for the most part, have all been uploaded by users and as such are available to individuals to utilize as they see fit.

However, the files do not allow for the individual to create content that is associated with firearms.

Click here to check out Thingiverse


2. Youmagine

This free website provides access to over 15,000 3-D printable STL projects.

STL stands for standard triangle language, and it is associated with CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software created by 3-D systems.

The purpose of Youmagine is to make the sharing, creation, and editing of these files as easy as possible for individuals.

Click here to check out Youmagine


3. Cultsl3D 

This site also has a vast collection of impressive STL files that can be downloaded.

They are arranged in various categories which makes it easier for the individual to locate the file that they are looking for.

This website is also home to several 3-D designers as well as modelers.

The files are available at no charge.


4. Prusaprinters.org 

Joseph Prusa, of prussaprinters.org, is one of the cheerleaders of the FDM 3-D printer and demonstrated to the world how the use of SDM 3-D printing could be easily integrated.

Subsequently, he endeavored to do the same with 3-D print files.

This site is one of the largest carriers of 3-D printer files that is formatted in STL.

Of course, all of the files are completely compatible with FDM 3-D printers.

FDM 3D printer stands for fused filament fabrication.

Click here to check out Prusaprinters.org


5. Turbosquid 

Turbosquid has longevity in the 3-D model marketplace.

This particular website only deals with 3-D models for animation, and it renders a sizable chunk of those 3-D models.

Also offered in STL format and can be printed utilizing a 3-D printer.

This website offers both free and paid 3-D models.

Click here to check out Turbosquid


6. Libre3d 

This particular website has a variety of open-source tools available online as well as offering free and open-source STL files.

The website, in some individuals’ estimations, is not eye-catching but it does provide a service in being an essential platform to ensure that open source remains during the 21st-century foundation of 3-D printing.


7. Xyzprinting 

A significant number of categories allows for the searcher to use filters to find the STL’s that they are looking for on this website.

For some of the filters that can be activated include finding files based on color, filament type, dual extrusion, and more.

To access the files found on this website an account needs to be set up and the individual eventually needs to log in.

Click here to check out Xyzprinting


8. Grabcad.com 

This site takes 3-D printing up a few notches and provides engineering-grade STL files.

Although this site is primarily a CAD (Computer-aided design), repository it does feature professional uploads of STL files for 3-D printing.

This site has reached over 9 million engineers as part of its community.

Click here to check out Grabcad


9. Nasa3d.arc.nasa.gov 

This no-cost website is part of NASA’s attempt to placate the faithful in the public domain by providing some of NASA’s biggest highlights in 3-D printable form.

The site is not designed to find useful items, but the release of the files is more for the public’s education.

A sampling of a few of the files includes NASA’s past rocket’s landing sites as well as other fascinating 3-D printable models.



10. 3dprint.nih.gov 

The National Institute for Health (NIH) is a fascinating platform as it relates to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) research.

The uniqueness of this site is that it is extensively designed and shared by those in the medical and science community.

Of significant interest is five collections in the form of Covid-19.

Those collections are Response, Outbreak, Prosthetics, Neuroscience, Heart Library, and the RCSB Molecule of the Month.


11. Zortrax.com 

Until recently this particular online site was not available to download files unless they were Zortrax 3D printer owners.

This exclusive site has recently changed and now the files are available to the general public. To access these files and download them just requires the registration of the individual to utilize the site.

There are a variety of categories available which include art design, automotive, aerospace, fashion, medical, and more.

Although they are best used with a Zortrax 3D printer they are compatible with FDM 3D printers.

Click here to check out Zortrax


12. Instructables 

This website lives up to its name as a platform for individuals who wish to learn how to do certain projects themselves.

As part of that instruction focus, the focus includes how to be involved with 3-D printing.

All of the instruction methods and processes can be easily downloaded and include easy to follow guide to help the individual through the learning process.

Click here to check out Instructables

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE


13. 3d.si.edu 

This website is the Smithsonian digitization project under the auspices of the Smithsonian Museum.

Available are thousands of 3-D models that can be viewed and downloaded by interested individuals.

The models include the subjects of sports, fossils aquatic creatures, etc.

The format of the availability of files includes STL, OBJ, in addition to other formats.


14. Embodi3d 

This particular website is taking its place in the 3-D arena by becoming one of the fastest and largest growing online libraries available for individuals to download files.

The specific area of focus for this website is anatomic models that are generated from real medical data.

The collection is not for everybody but certainly would be of interest to the biomedical community as well as the medical professions.

This website has models in the categories of bone structure, skin, heart muscle, and all areas of the human anatomy.

Also, in the light of Covid 19, they have available models for masks, face shields, and other protective gear as well as medical equipment plans that can be downloaded.

Click here to check out Embodi3D


15. Sketchfab 

This site also offers quality STL files for 3-D printing.

There are two aspects to this website.

One is a store in which the selections need to be purchased and can be located through a filter that works with a downloadable section which is provided at no charge.

The other aspect of the website is files that can be downloaded at no charge.

Click here to check out Sketchfab


16. Free3d.com 

This website is operated by Turbo Squid and offers free 3-D downloadable models.

The files available are, for the most part, free.

However, membership to this site allows for their stakeholders to sell 3-D models for up to $99.

These models are on the higher and of the spectrum as far as quality is concerned.

Click here to check out Free3d


17. Pinshape 

This platform provides an opportunity to connect individuals who create these models as well as individuals that are wanting to download these files.

This site provides ready-to-print STL 3D files at no charge as well as paid STL files.

Pinshape does not feature paid content above the free STL files.

Click here to check out Pinshape


18. Myminifactory 

This platform has several active members as part of its website community.

These developers engage in many 3-D design challenges.

The site has a considerable number of files that are downloadable and relate to figurines that have a fantasy flair to them.

Click here to check out Myminifactory


19. 3dexport 

Although there are free STL files available for the individual to download, the specific purpose of this website is to connect individuals wishing to buy 3-D printer models from buyers.

A number of the printer files revolve around the creation of jewelry and other types of ornaments.

Click here to check out 3dexport


20. Threeding.com 

This online retailer offers for sale several 3-D models that are suitable for 3-D printing.

An observation is that this site was created in 2014 and it appears that a number of the files were created around that time with not much forward creative thinking.

Click here to check out Threeding


21. CGtrader 

This website was created for designers to come together and display their works and offer their models for free or provide 3-D services and finished models for a set amount.

This website has a broad demographic which includes the creation of 3-D models for printing.

The focus appears to be on the professional marketplace as emphasized on this website.

Click here to check out CGtrader


22. Fab365.net 

Fab365.net appeals to both the buyer and the seller.

The website has a segment of the platform devoted to their store and the other segment is the community safe section.

A unique feature of this website is that under the community section, an individual can ask for a custom request.

The requests are satisfied and then become part of the storefront part of the website.

Also available are a variety of collections that complement the same common categories that can be found on other websites.

The 3-D printer models on this website generally consist of skill models, figurines, and other items.

Click here to check out Fab365


23. Yeggi.com 

This site has a vast printing model library.

There are over 2.9 million 3-D printer files. A search engine is available.

On this website, all the models are in STL format with very few in OBJ.

Click here to check out Yeggi


24. Thangs.com

The uniqueness that Thangs bring to the 3-D model genre is that it conveniently provides all of the information necessary for the printable STL file along with a link that can be accessed to download the model right from the website.

This website has thousands of available STL files that the public can access.

Adding to the ease of the search process is that the site often features files that are trending so that the researcher can conveniently find a file that is trending.

To access all of the downloads does require an individual to register. This registration is at no charge

Click here to check out Thangs


25. Fiverr.com 

This website is not free to access.

However, if the individual is willing to pay a fee, they will be treated to a comprehensive site that has a large array of STL files and 3-D models.

Additionally, the modelers and the CAD designers can be contacted directly through this website.

Prices typically range upwards from $30.

Click here to check out Fiverr


Alternatives to Thingiverse FAQs


How Much Is a 3D Printer?

A 3D printer for an entry-level or individual that will use the printer for a hobby can cost anywhere from $300 to $500.

It can also range up to $1500.

For the individual wishing a more industrial or professional 3D printer, the price range can extend from $1500 on up to $20,000.


How Much Does It Cost to Make an Item With a 3-d Printer?

The answer is based upon the item that is being printed.

Therefore, it is best to use a rule of thumb that it will cost anywhere from $20-$50 per kilogram.


You Can Do It

There is a vast array of STL files available for the individual who is interested in 3-D printing.

The majority of these sites offer models that are downloadable and at no charge.



As the saying goes why reinvent the wheel when the wheel has already been created.

Therefore, there are several STL files (wheels) that are available that an individual can download and utilize for their 3-D printing.

As we all learned in kindergarten it is nice to share.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

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Apart from being a seasoned Personal Finance expert who has written for top publications around the world, I bring significant personal financial experience. Long story short... through bad financial choices... I found myself $100,000 plus in debt. I was able to dissolve this indebtedness and regain financial solvency. This financial turn around was accomplished through reading, studying and implementing a financial plan. My financial plan included paying down my debt through budgeting, being cognizant of where my financial resources were being spent, changing my attitude about money and understanding the binding chains of the improper use of credit. Today, and for 10 years, I have been debt free and have invested wisely to enjoy my current retirement. This is allowing me to write to help others make, save and grow money wisely!