If you want to know how to make money with a 3D printer, this article will prove very helpful.

It reveals a lot about making money with a 3D printer and the best companies that help.


Why Make Money with a 3-D Printer?

Printing has come a long way.

The origins of the printing machine began with the Gutenberg press created in the 1440s.

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

The printing involved the ability to move type, oil-based ink, adjustable molds, and the movement of the printing press to put letters and words to paper.

As it seems with all things, evolution took printers through xerography to the laser printer, to the inkjet printer, and currently the 3-D printer.

Can you imagine having a Gutenberg press hooked up to your personal computer rather than your compact computer printer?

It would have taken up your entire office space and more.

Today, we have the convenience of printing quality documents in both black and white and color in a variety of types or fonts.

As of late, the importance of 3-D printing was emphasized during the recent Covid-19 pandemic.

The pandemic not only hit our nation and world hard but had a dramatic effect and drain on personal protection equipment (PPE) and medical equipment.

To address this shortage of personally protecting individuals and necessary parts to keep life-saving equipment functioning, such as ventilators, the value of 3-D printing was demonstrated.

Through this technology, companies and individuals were able to construct or “print” these replacement items and parts to needy hospitals.

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What is a 3-D Printer?

Just so that we are on the same page…

A 3-D printer is a technological device that allows for the creation of a three-dimensional model of some object.

The process incorporates a computer-aided design (CAD) in the creation.

In addition, the object takes form through what is known as a layering method.

The layering incorporates such materials as plastic, composites, or bio-materials in the formulation of the intended object.

These objects can vary in size, hue, pliability, and shape.


11 Best Companies that Help You Make Money with a 3D Printer


1. Etsy

One of the best online websites that an individual can list handcrafted items for sale is on Etsy.

Examples of items made by a 3-D printer that seems to be very popular on this crafty website include art creations, sculpted items, jewelry, and various other accessories.

By entering 3-D in the search bar on the website, several items will appear that can be purchased by the customer.

To set up a shop on Etsy all the individual needs to do is create an account for $.20. Registering an account includes the sharing of your name and email address.

Once verified, then a username and password can be selected and following registration, the website allows you to open your shop up for business.

The setup page will ask for your language and the currency that you want to utilize in your sales.

Check out the following for tips on selling on Etsy:

Following all of the crossing of the T’s and dotting of the I’s, it is time for the seller to list their sales items.

The created 3-D printed projects can fall into this category. Also identified are the number of items for sale and the individual price.

It is also important to include photos of the item.

Other issues or other items that need to be addressed are shipping costs as you the seller are responsible to ship the product to the buyer additionally, payment preferences can be made.

Additionally, if a transaction occurs between the buyer and seller, Etsy collects 5% of the sale.


2. eBay

Another Internet platform that a seller can list items for sale in regards to printed items from their 3-D printer is through the website eBay.

The process of selling on eBay begins with registering an account.

The two types of accounts offered are personal or business accounts.

There is no charge however, if setting up a business account there is added documentation that needs to be addressed.

Once the account has been set up then the seller is taken through a list of preferences to choose from.

After these steps have been completed the opportunity is provided to start listing your sale items.

As part of the listing process is a more advanced opportunity.

This more intense listing will allow for the seller to provide a variety of descriptions and information about their product.

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Also, the choice will need to be made as to whether it will be an auction-style sale or the use of a set price.

The seller also needs to decide about payment options, shipping details, etc.

To set up an account on eBay is at no charge for the person listing their items for sale.

However, there are two fees associated with the use of this platform.

One is an insertion fee and the other is a fee levied by eBay dependent upon many factors.

Generally, the fee levied by eBay on a sale is 10% of the total sale amount.


3. Upwork

A website that doesn’t necessarily sell your products or allow you to sell your products through their forum is Upwork.

However, Upwork and other alternative freelance websites allow for the listing of your 3-D printer experience and possession of a 3-D printer.

Therefore, if a client of Upwork wishes to find an independent freelance worker to help them with a 3D project or the making of something, they will be able to find you and invite you to apply for various 3-D printing jobs.

Also, the Upwork freelancer can search the website for jobs that are wishing to utilize 3-D printing.

They would simply need to go into the jobs category, enter into the search engine, and type in 3D printing or other related keywords.

If any jobs are available, they will be returned with the possibility of freelance opportunities that they can apply for.


Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

4. Fiverr

Fiverr is an additional website presence that connects businesses with freelancers that offer specific skills in a variety of areas.

An example of those in-demand skills could include article writers, logo designers, resume creators, etc.

Additionally, if an individual wish to offer their 3D printing skills and equipment to do freelance work this site will help facilitate that possibility.

If the business arrangement is agreed upon, Fiverr facilitates the payment and withholds 20% of the paid transaction as their fee.

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5. Your Own Company

What better company to work for than yourself?

In looking for a company to help you utilize your 3D printer for profit why not start your own business even with low investment?

By using internet websites, the interested individual can go through the various steps needed to take to form a company.

Once accomplished and necessary permits and licenses are obtained then start marketing your ability to print using 3D technology.

Suggestions on how to market your 3D business would be through printed media, posting flyers in various businesses, etc.

Be sure to take along samples of your printed products to emphasize to potential customers what can be created.


how to make money with a 3d printer


6. Make XYZ

This website connects the 3D needs of a customer with a local company or individual who owns a 3D printer.

The printer simply signs up with the website by registering with their name and contact information.

A potential customer, looking to have their 3D printing needs met go to this website and search by zip code.

The connection is made and the business partnership goes forward. The cost of having a 3D printer create a product is based on square centimeters at a rate of .25 cents per cm3.

The payment is processed through Makexyz.com with 5% of the total cost taken as their commission.

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7. TurboSquid

This site is probably the most recognizable marketplace for quality-produced 3-D designs.

Their library boasts of having over a half 1 million designs available to its customers.

Because of the sheer number of designs available, this particular website most likely gets the greatest customer traffic.

Payment or royalties for designs that are sold can reach as high as 80%.

One added positive caveat is that if a 3D printer designer decides to use this site exclusively they will get top-rated visibility through the website’s newsletters, on the various pages, and also receive generated reports on keywords that have the most impactful searches returned.

Payment options provided by this site include individuals paying by check, through PayPal, or by wire transfer.


8. CG Trader

This particular website is by far the largest 3-D model marketplace.

This fact is based upon their involvement with a considerable number of individuals representing the professional design community.

Due to the website being so large, as it relates to numbers the number of individuals sharing their designs, it attracts a larger customer base.

Added to the mix is that if a customer cannot find the specific model that they are in the market for, they can approach the 3D designer and hire that individual specifically as a contractor for a specific job.

On this website, the royalties for sales top the list over other online websites.

They offer up to a 90% royalty rate on sales that are conducted through the platform.

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9. Shapeways

If the 3-D printer specializes in certain printed products, then Shapeways may be the platform to showcase these 3-D prints.

Specifically, those particular products that do extremely well on this website are jewelry to sell, tech accessories, toys, and various types of decorations.

The site offers graphic designers to showcase their models by uploading pictures of the creation as well as the opportunity for the printer to sell physical copies.

Another added feature of the website is that the browsing customer can look at the various designs that are available and have the option to customize their order in regards to color and material.

The cost to the customer for the purchase of these items is based on the actual volume of material utilized.

The designer has the option to add on their profitability margin. The limit of markup is set at 80% but if one doesn’t want to overprice themselves out of a sale.

One other feature that Shapeways allows is for the individual to post pictures and stories about themselves to better acquaint their customers as to who they are, what they do, and what are their capabilities.

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10. 3DSquirrel

As it relates to the computer graphics world, one of the websites that encourage 3-D printer specialists to submit models is 3DSquirrel.

This website offers extremely competitive royalty rates for individuals and designers who can sell their designs using this online platform.

They are also committed not to just certain individuals but to giving all of their designers an equal opportunity.

They facilitate this equality by continually scrolling banners across the website which introduces various contributors with their designs.


11. YouTube

The community as a whole is always looking for education and entertainment opportunities. One popular internet website that provides both options to viewers is YouTube.

Therefore, a business opportunity to educate others and possibly earn an income is to start a YouTube channel dedicated to 3D printing.

Suggestions of utilizing the channel could include filming the basics of 3D printing and offer more extensive training.

Also, if your platform receives enough reviews through YouTube Premium you may receive a portion of their subscription fee.

The printer may be eligible for revenue if they meet the age requirement and have more than 30,000 subscribers.

One other stream of revenue from YouTube, apart from paid sponsorships on Youtube, could be the selling of merchandise. The minimum age requirements are 18 years old and have 30,000 subscribers.



3-D printing is wonderful and innovative technology.

Adding to its fascination as cutting-edge talking technology are the practical prints that are designed through its operation.

Some of these prints can be defined as beauty-enhancing, playful toys, or needed replacement parts for such things as drones.

Running the whole spectrum of the usefulness of these printers is the value that they can bring to enhance life-saving measures through replacement parts.

Printing indeed has come a long way since the 1400s.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

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Apart from being a seasoned Personal Finance expert who has written for top publications around the world, I bring significant personal financial experience. Long story short... through bad financial choices... I found myself $100,000 plus in debt. I was able to dissolve this indebtedness and regain financial solvency. This financial turn around was accomplished through reading, studying and implementing a financial plan. My financial plan included paying down my debt through budgeting, being cognizant of where my financial resources were being spent, changing my attitude about money and understanding the binding chains of the improper use of credit. Today, and for 10 years, I have been debt free and have invested wisely to enjoy my current retirement. This is allowing me to write to help others make, save and grow money wisely!