If you want to know how and where to find jobs for Disabled People at Home, this article is going to be very helpful.

It reveals some of the best jobs and companies that either directly hire or help disabled people get hired to work from home.


Why Jobs for Disabled People at Home?

It’s a lot more convenient to be able to work at home for just about everyone, especially disabled people.

Apart from that, diversity is also an important reason.

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

You see, part of the enjoyable experience of dining out is taking a menu in one’s hand and ordering their meal for the evening. If all the restaurant offered was the blue plate special, then what would be the sense of having a menu.

A menu brings variety, and the individual can try different foods or stick with their favorite. In either case, a menu is presented with a variety of dining options.

When it comes to the workplace, it is also important to have different options or diversification.

If the workplace only consists of all men or all women or individuals with the same experience how can businesses successfully appeal to a diversified customer base?

There needs to be a “menu” of experience, backgrounds, attitudes, etc. amongst the company’s workforce. When this powerful diversity is brought front and center into the retail marketplace, the company will be able to reach more customers and expand its profits.

This reminds me of a personal story…

Our advisory board with the not-for-profit consisted of older Caucasian males. It was determined that we needed more diversity amongst our board.

We decided to recruit young adults and in doing so had a member of the local high school become a board member. This invigorated our board and service in several ways.

The diversity paid off in big dividends for us and enabled our nonprofit to move forward by embracing new energy, ideas and expanding our service.

That’s why Winston Churchill once said, “Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common… Celebrate it every day.”


15 Best Jobs for Disabled People to Work from Home


1. Data Entry

This job entails taking raw data and entering it into a usable format. Some of those formats could be in a table in a word-processing document or a spreadsheet.

The hiring company will simply send the information to the individual and the employee will then import or enter that data.

Related: Amazon Data Entry Jobs for BeginnersOnline Data Entry Jobs for Beginners.


2. Writing

Everybody has a story to tell. By engaging in this employment position, the individual can write creatively and provide a fictional or non-fictional narrative.

They can also write as a freelancer for various companies that require a writer.

Below are some helpful articles on writing jobs to consider:


3. Customer Service

Many require professional staff to cultivate customer relations.

If a customer is not satisfied with the product or if the company simply wants to reach out and thank the customer for their business, this would be the job description for a customer service representative.


4. Translator

The world is figuratively growing smaller. The increasing demand is for multi-bilingual employees to provide the vital link of communication.

Therefore, a company in the United States with global customers may require an individual who is bilingual to communicate with customers or vendors.

A multilingual individual can provide this employment service.

Related: Best Paying Audiobook Narrator Jobs for Beginners.


5. Educator

The educational system is always in need of good educators.

Through virtual classrooms, the educator can speak on a broad range of topics to their students and benefit the educational process through their experience and teaching techniques.


6. Sales Representative

The sales staff of any company is critical to maintaining their customer base as well as expanding sales by obtaining new customers.

An individual who has a pleasing personality and good communication skills can be a telephone sales representative for a variety of companies.


7. Call Center

From their home base, a call center representative can answer incoming calls from customers and provide the support needed to satisfy the customer’s inquiry.

If however, the call center worker is unable to adequately satisfy the customer, they are trained to direct those calls to appropriate other individuals.


8. Virtual Receptionist

Because of the increasing expenses affiliated with employees, many companies are looking to outsource some of their employee functions.

One of those employment opportunities is being a receptionist. With one’s smiling voice, a virtual receptionist can be of great service in providing this outsourcing need.

Related: Where to Find the Best Virtual Assistant Jobs for Beginners.


9. Admissions’ Counselor/Coordinator

An admissions counselor/coordinator can work in many employment venues. It could be in the educational, drug rehab fields, etc.

An admissions job description would include computer skills, data entry, and succinctly evaluate the potential enrollee into the school or rehab facility based on the required prerequisites of the facility.


10. Software Support

Many companies develop and sell software products to their customers. Generally, these software products facilitate the use of their product.

Examples could include tax preparation software, speech recognition software, etc.

A software support employee can work from home and field phone calls that are related to software issues.

These individuals are well trained as to the performance of the software and follow a script to help the customer work through or resolve any of their software issues.


11. Medical Scribe

All medical treatment, doctor’s notes, and other medical interactions with patients need to be legally captured in writing.

Often a pool of medical transcriptionists is required. By being a medical scribe, the various medical professionals would provide their notes digitally or in writing.

The medical scribe would transcribe those notes and return them to the medical offices for inclusion in the patient’s file.

Related: Best Online Medical Transcriptionist Jobs to Do Working at Home.


12. Digital Live Chat

Many customer-oriented websites offer the job opportunity to chat live with a representative.

This would be a great opportunity for a home-based career as often, speech recognition software is used and a script is followed.


13. Content Reviewer

Some individuals can write creatively and yet are sometimes disadvantaged when it comes to being grammatically correct.

Therefore, a good working from home employment opportunity is to be an editor or a content reviewer of a written narrative.


Jobs for Disabled People at Home


14. Motivational Speaker

Individuals often need an extra spark or insight to help them with certain situations or events in their lives.

Becoming a self-employed motivational speaker is certainly a way to facilitate that spark of encouragement to others.

If you have an overcoming story to tell or a particular passion, then utilizing YouTube or another form of telecommunication venue, you can inspire others and be rewarded financially for sharing.


15. Tutor

Because people’s time is at a premium and they don’t often have the opportunity to be tutored on a one-to-one basis, they look to virtual tutoring.

If you have a talent, skill, or educational ability then becoming a virtual tutor may benefit both you and your students.

Below are some helpful articles on tutoring:


10 Best Companies Offering Jobs for Disabled People Working at Home

Companies That Value Ability…

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE


1. American Express

American Express, “Don’t leave home without it”, is a premier financial institution. Their list of services includes the offering of credit cards, personal savings accounts, business services, insurance, etc.

American Express has a commitment to diversity and employing individuals who are qualified and not turned away based upon any physical limitations.

Specific employment opportunities offered to individuals with disabilities include working in customer sales, employment in the human resources department, their sales department, and lifestyle and travel service.

For more information about this company click here.


2. Arise

The purpose of Arise is not to offer jobs to people who are classified as disabled but as a support company that facilitates opportunities for success.

A registered Arise client expects that the individual will create their own business or join an existing one.

Arise empowers the individual to connect with the latest in technology and provides the support that helps the individual realize their dream employment opportunity or as an entrepreneur.

The opportunity is on the individual’s terms and subsequently, there are no parameters that one would find in a typical job.

To learn more about Arise, click here.


3. Apple

Apple is a leading technology company. Its familiar products include smartphones, computers, smartwatches, etc.

Apple is also a leading employer of individuals who could be classified as disabled. They have a dynamic policy about employing individuals who have disabilities. Apple puts its “money where its mouth is.”

Employment positions include individuals that can work at physical locations or work from home. Employment positions include managers of teams, geographical managers, etc.

Salaries are very competitive and often include a full benefits package along with the opportunity to purchase Apple products at an employee’s discount.

Opportunities with Apple can be found at click here.


4. Hilton

Hilton is a major provider of guest services in the hotel industry.

Their commitment to their guests spills over into their commitment to employees.

For Hilton, there are no barriers to employment if the individual has the drive, experience, education, and other qualifications to be part of the hospitality industry.

Hilton offers a wide variety of employment opportunities for the disabled which includes the opportunity to work from home and remotely.

Full-time jobs offered would require travel. However, there are part-time positions that can be done from any location.

To learn more about employment opportunities with Hilton, click here.


5. Kaplan

Kaplan, Inc. is a company focused on education.

By valuing the importance of education they provide opportunities for college-bound students to prepare for the SAT, facilitate medical professionals to pass licensing requirements, and provide a forum for individuals to pursue their educational goals by returning to college.

Understanding the limitations that are sometimes imposed on the body but not on the mind, Kaplan offers a variety of jobs for disabled individuals. Some of these jobs include writing, working in sales, and marketing.

Kaplan in addition to offering traditional types of jobs that allows the individual to be flexible with their schedules.

Job opportunities at Kaplan can be found by clicking here.


6. Allegis

Allegis is a talent specialist company that matches the employment needs of a company with a qualified individual.

Their mission and vision are to provide a win-win solution for both the companies and the individuals in creating that perfect employer/employee dynamic.

Of particular note, Allegis does not allow any disabilities to prevent this mission from occurring.

They are a champion of qualified individuals and resist the thought that a disabled individual cannot fully function at a job or position that they are qualified at.

For additional information, the interested individual can click here.


7. Amazon

Being one of the largest companies in the world, employment opportunities with Amazon abound.

Employment positions that are offered through Amazon can be either at a physical site or the individual can work from home.

Amazon is on the leading edge as it relates to encouraging individuals to work from their residence.

Some of those employment opportunities could include being part of the customer service department as well as being involved in the call center.

As of this writing, representatives working within the call center can start at a minimum wage of $15.34 an hour although not a given, many managerial jobs begin from these critical employment positions

More information regarding employment opportunities with Amazon can be found by clicking here.


8. GitHub

GitHub is a subsidiary of Microsoft. They are headquartered in California.

Being an Internet-based company that facilitates the collaboration of software developers when new revisions or rollouts are revised and made on the software.

Git is the name or version of the control system that a majority of developers seem to favor. Hub, of course, is a central point of activity; hence the name GitHub.

Being an Internet-based company the opportunities of working from home abound. Categories of available jobs include software development, sales, industrial engineering, management, etc.

To view work positions one can access GitHub here.


9. CVS

This large pharmacy company and provider of miscellaneous items have many employment opportunities available.

These jobs can be performed at various bricks and mortar stores or a variety of jobs can be performed remotely.

Some of the working from home positions include working in the sales area, customer service, virtual administrative assistant, and consultant work.

To learn more about this huge pharmaceutical drug store chain, one can log on by clicking here.


10. Humana

Humana is an integral part of the medical insurance industry. They offer their customers insurance plans that include HMOs, PPO’s, and other insurance services.

Being medical insurance providers they fully understand the value of all individuals capable of performing a large swathe of employment positions.

Some of those fields that careers are offered in include financial services, sales, and customer care.

Also See: Best Jobs If You Hate People, Catalog Models Jobs, Glamour Models Jobs & Jobs for Artist to Make Money.


Work From Home Jobs for Disabled FAQs


Are There Government Jobs for Disabled Adults?

Yes. Many state and local governments have developed specific programs with the disabled in mind.

First of all, it is paramount to know that an individual cannot be denied a job opportunity solely based on their disability. This discrimination is against federal law.

As part of these designed programs in the state and local governments, there are special accommodations made for individuals who may qualify for the job but are limited in certain job performance requirements.


Do Disabled Individuals Get Paid the Same for Doing the Same Job?

Overall, in the workforce, an individual with a disability will earn $.87 to every one dollar that an individual without a disability.

Specifically, a disabled individual who performs the same work adheres to the same schedule and fulfills the same job description will receive the same pay as an individual who is not disabled.


You Can Do It

Today, if an individual wants to work, opportunities are almost limitless.

There are, seemingly, an endless number of companies that realize the value of all individuals and the experience that they can bring as employees.

For these forward-thinking companies, it’s not about concentrating on a disability.

It’s encouraging one’s ability to perform the job description and contribute to the team effort and providing great products and customer service.



As this article has shown, there are indeed many jobs that disabled people can do working from home.

This article also revealed some of the best companies offering these jobs.

As this article has also explained…

Everyone has a part to play.

Diversity in all aspects of our life should be honored, utilized to everyone’s enrichment, and fully engaged.

That’s why Winston Churchill once said, “Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common… Celebrate it every day.”

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

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Apart from being a seasoned Personal Finance expert who has written for top publications around the world, I bring significant personal financial experience. Long story short... through bad financial choices... I found myself $100,000 plus in debt. I was able to dissolve this indebtedness and regain financial solvency. This financial turn around was accomplished through reading, studying and implementing a financial plan. My financial plan included paying down my debt through budgeting, being cognizant of where my financial resources were being spent, changing my attitude about money and understanding the binding chains of the improper use of credit. Today, and for 10 years, I have been debt free and have invested wisely to enjoy my current retirement. This is allowing me to write to help others make, save and grow money wisely!