If you have nowhere to go and no money, this article is going to really help you.

It reveals as many as 20 powerful tips to help you and ways, as well as best companies or organizations you can get help from!


You are Not Alone When You Have Nowhere to Go and Have No Money

The basics of life are shelter, food, and clothing.

This triple foundational basis of living is the bottom layer of our life’s building towards other self-actualization goals that we pursue.

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SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

However, if the foundation is unstable or if we have no shelter, food, or clothing, everything else is simply a house of cards.

A recent statistic revealed an alarming reality that over a half 1 million people were experiencing homelessness on any given night throughout the year.

This population of people included men, women, and children.

Their reasons for being homeless run the entire gamut from drug abuse to mental illness, to a chosen lifestyle, to simply not having enough money.

To increase our awareness of this needy population within our communities and to help them, or possibly if we are facing our homeless crisis, a few tips on confronting, managing, and successfully coming through to the other side may be indicated.


Personal Story

I worked for a not-for-profit for over 20 years.

Their mission was to serve others who were in need.

Sometimes the individuals that we served were often in need of food, in need of free clothing, shelter, and help with overpowering challenges in their life.

The one common thread that bound these folks together was that each of these individuals were survivors and were looking for that light at the end of the tunnel.

Many failed to find that light but there were a few successes as reflected in the life of one individual who utilized our shelter, moved into our transitional living program, and while there attended school and graduated with honors on the road to earning his degree.

Eventually, his success was spotlighted, and even on one occasion, to my surprise and shame for thinking otherwise, he was volunteering as an usher at one of the community events held in the city.

Truly rags to riches story or a story of leaving the shadows and embracing the light.


20 Tips & Organizations to Help When You Have Nowhere To Go and No Money


1. Reach Out to the Right Organizations

As the saying goes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

So, it is if an individual finds themselves without any place to go and not having any money; for whatever reason, these resources are no longer available to them.

Therefore, before an individual gets to this point in their lives, it is important to reach out to a variety of organizations that provide help for an individual to stay within their home.

There are agencies that might help with the rent, paying utilities, and other services that might keep the individual from being without a roof over their head.

It is important then to ask for help before it gets to this extreme of a circumstance.


2. Don’t Panic

All right, the reality is that you have nowhere to go and have no money.

The situation might look extremely bleak.

It is at this point that you need to realize that there is no circumstance that cannot be overcome by you and with the help and assistance from a caring community of people that are dedicated to you.

The first order of business is not to panic.

Let your mind rule over your emotions.


3. Better Than Your Circumstances

As part of this positive thinking, it is important to embrace the reality that you are better and more powerful than your circumstances.

Your circumstances that may appear very dire are just an opportunity for you to meet the challenge and grow from the experience when you look back on how you overcame the situation.


4. Plan

Your plan of not only surviving but overcoming your situation begins with a variety of steps towards a goal.

The assumption is that your goal is to get back on your feet, obtain a home and get money in your pocket.

It is important to start with steps towards this goal that you will be able to achieve.

The first order of business is to get a roof over your head and make sure that you will eat in order to maintain your health and provide strength.

Also See: Best Cheap Places to Run Away to With No Money.


5. Rescue Mission

There are many incredibly wonderful organizations in the majority of most communities.

One of those organizations that may be present is the Gospel Rescue Mission.

Typically a rescue mission will allow individuals to lodge with them, give them food and the opportunity to shower.

The services provided by the rescue mission are for both men and women.

Sometimes, a rescue mission also may have a family unit where children can stay with the parents as well.

The rescue mission typically does not take any government money and therefore they are not bound by the rules and regulations governed by the use of any federal money.

The rescue mission often requires that individuals attend religious services that are held on their premises.


6. Women’s Shelter

There are a variety of situations in which an individual may find themselves without a place to go and have no money.

One of those awful situations could be if a woman is escaping from an abusive relationship in which the spouse or boyfriend is physically and emotionally attacking her.

Consequently, in many communities, there is a home for battered women that these abused ladies can find safety for themselves and any children that are escaping from such a relationship.

For the protection of the residents at a women’s shelter, often the address is not known.

You would need to go through another organization that will maintain your confidentiality and endeavors to assure your safety.



7. Family

An incredibly nurturing option for an individual who finds themselves with no place to go and no money is to seek a haven with family members.

Although it may not be an easy thing to do in requesting help from loved ones, nevertheless, that is what family is for.

Despite the situation, hopefully, the family will shelter you until you can regain control over the circumstances that have created the state of affairs.


8. Friends

Another possible solution that can be temporary but help you get through the present moment is to seek out help from friends.

Perhaps there is a spare room or an unoccupied couch that a friend would be willing to make yours on a temporary basis.

Of course, the average person would not want to impose upon a friend.

It is important that if this arrangement is made that you become a working member of the household to help out with the ongoing chores.


9. The Salvation Army

Another organization that may be found within your community that can be extremely helpful is The Salvation Army.

Often, The Salvation Army provides free food, clothing, and shelter to individuals who are in need.

If The Salvation Army does not have a formal shelter for individuals who have no other place to go, oftentimes The Salvation Army will allow for an individual to stay at a local motel in which they will provide a few nights lodging if their budget permits.

Related: How to Get Help When Need Clothes and Have No Money.

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SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE


10. Catholic Charities

Another organization that helps those individuals who are in challenging circumstances is Catholic Charities.

Often Catholic Charities are a separate socially responsible arm of the Catholic Church and help individuals on a practical basis.

Their services include food and clothing and might possibly help with temporary lodging if their finances allow for that to happen.


11. American Red Cross

Another humanitarian organization that helps out individuals in distress is the American Red Cross.

Typically they do not provide food or shelter.

However, in the event of an emergency, such as a fire or flooding, to a person’s home, they will provide food and lodging for the displaced individual or family.


12. Churches

If a number of these larger organizations are not represented in your community many churches take to heart the scriptural injunction about doing unto others as you would want to be done unto yourself.

Therefore, some churches have monies available through love offerings that are budgeted to help families or individuals who are in distress.

The types of help that could be offered could include lodging or food.

Click here to see how some churches make money to be able to offer help to others.


13. Other Non-Profits

In addition, to these socially conscious organizations are other not-for-profit’s that are located in communities.

The bottom line is, if you are seeking help, more than likely, there is an organization that will help to meet your needs at your point of need.


14. Community Services

There are government-funded agencies within a community that is designed to help individuals.

For example, some government agencies offer assistance to individuals who are classified as seniors.

One such organization is the Area Agencies On Aging.

This group is funded by government monies and can assist seniors who are unable to care for themselves either physically or financially.


15. United Way

United Way does not generally offer services but acts as a support to member agencies with help in fundraising and providing other types of support.

An individual could contact their local United Way to find out what services are available and how to make contact to start the process

Click here to check out United Way


16. Health Care

Once you have taken care of your immediate needs and you are eating and have shelter, it is then, as part of your plan, to start looking towards long-term care and help.

One of those specifics in caring for yourself is to ensure that you get proper healthcare.

There are many “free clinics,” in certain communities that offer practical medical help to individuals who cannot provide this service with their own resources.

Generally, these clinics are staffed by volunteer doctors, professional medical staff, dentists, etc.

They do this in a completely altruistic way and believe in giving back to their community and specifically helping people that are in need.

Also, most states have a low-income medical service option that individuals can take advantage of.

Usually, these programs are termed Medicaid or some other defined term.


17. School

As alluded to there are a variety of reasons why an individual may find themselves with no place to go and have no cash.

The seeming beauty of the situation is that it’s difficult to sink deeper than not having the basics of life.

There is no other direction to go other than up.

Emphasizing once more, it’s an opportunity.

Part of that opportunity is that you are maybe eligible to attend a school or learn a vocation that will help you to get your feet back on the ground and move forward in caring for yourself.

It is important to emphasize that the help given is not a handout but is a hand-up.


18. Employment Office

It is important to feel good about yourself and part of that process can be realized by finding a job and getting back to work.

One way that you can do this is to realize there are employment agencies in town that can help you.

Also, there may be a government-facilitated employment office.

Take full advantage of these opportunities to help you fulfill your plan of action.


19. ARC

Not knowing what challenges an individual faces prior to their not having a place to go and no money can only make one speculate.

As it relates to that thinking, it is also important to know that there are programs run by agencies to help an individual who may be having an abuse problem of some sort as it relates to drugs or alcohol.

One such program that does not cost the individual any money is the Adult Rehabilitation Center operated by The Salvation Army.

This is a work-related therapy program in which the individual works during the day, receives a stipend, and then in the evening attends classes to help with any dependency issues that they may have.

It can be a six-month program.


20. Transitional Living Housing

An advanced residential program that is sometimes made available to individuals who have responded well and really want to get their lives back is sometimes considered for a transitional living program.

Often, through a variety of grants, old apartment buildings or motels are converted into single living spaces in which the qualified individual can take up residence.

The time that the individual can spend in these residences can vary and can range anywhere from six months to one year up to two years.

It is an opportunity for individuals and families to get their feet back on the ground, find employment, and live in a rental free or pay rent on a sliding fee scale when the individual finds employment.

This possibility provides an opportunity for an individual to have a roof over their head, the transition from a shelter experience into the mainstream of society, save some money to have a better life, and be able to take advantage of other programs when they graduate.


When You Have Nowhere to Go and Have No Money FAQs


What Can One Individual Do to Help Those Who Have No Money and No Place to Go?

There are a number of ways that the average individual can show their support to individuals who find themselves in challenging situations.

The best thing that an individual can do is to investigate the various community services that are available to help others.

Upon their investigation, which includes the services provided and the efficiency of their organization with donated money, is to make a financial donation to that can community organization to support them and their work.

Additionally, if an individual is unable to donate but still wants to be involved they can do so.

Volunteer activities could include serving at the local shelter, helping to serve meals, donating clothing, etc.


How Do I Find Out About a Charity and Its Effectiveness?

There are a number of websites in which an individual can go to check out how a not-for-profit utilizes the donated dollar.

One of those websites is Charity Navigator which reviews the not-for-profit and looks at salaries, administrative costs, the effectiveness of their services, looking at any IRS documents filed, as well as how they are governed.

This particular website provides a starred recommendation for a charity with five being stars being the highest.



Having no place to live and not having money presents a number of challenges.

Fortunately, there are resources available in various communities that are privately funded as well as those agencies that receive government funding to help individuals in need.

For the individual who finds himself in this challenging situation, it is important to remember that they are not alone.

There is a light at the end of that dark tunnel and it is comprised of a significant number of individuals, organizations, government entities, and their resources that want to help.

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SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

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Apart from being a seasoned Personal Finance expert who has written for top publications around the world, I bring significant personal financial experience. Long story short... through bad financial choices... I found myself $100,000 plus in debt. I was able to dissolve this indebtedness and regain financial solvency. This financial turn around was accomplished through reading, studying and implementing a financial plan. My financial plan included paying down my debt through budgeting, being cognizant of where my financial resources were being spent, changing my attitude about money and understanding the binding chains of the improper use of credit. Today, and for 10 years, I have been debt free and have invested wisely to enjoy my current retirement. This is allowing me to write to help others make, save and grow money wisely!