This article contains very helpful tips on how to stop spending money.

No matter what your present situation is or how hard you think it is to stop spending money, this article contains tips that will really help you.


Why Learn How to Stop Spending Money?

It’s simple really…

If you don’t stop spending money, you will not have money to save.

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

If you don’t save, you cannot invest.

If you don’t invest, you will not build wealth!

These are statements of fact.

Spending money is not a bad idea, especially if it is on necessities and controlled.

However, excessive spending is a bad idea and it becomes important to provide tips that would help you stop it.

This article discusses very powerful tips on how to stop spending money. It highlights signs of overspending and the right tips that would fix the habit.

Related: How to Save Extra Money from Salary.


Signs You Are Spending Too Much Money

Before you take steps to stop spending, you need to be reminded of the signs that you or someone you know are overspending:

  • You buy things before paying your important and necessary bills.
  • You can only afford to make the minimum credit card payment.
  • You stop saving money each and every month, even if a little.
  • The more money you make, the more money you continually spend.
  • You spend more money than you earn from your job or business.
  • All of your credit cards are usually always maxed out.
  • Your credit card debt exceed your monthly income.

Related: How to Drastically Cut Unnecessary Expenses.


16 Powerful Tips On How to Stop Spending Money


1. Get Financial Literacy

To stop spending money you need financial literacy. This is a piece of knowledge on how to make and spend money.

You should take proactive steps to study how money works and how you can save and invest it.

Good financial literacy will guide you on spending money on only what is necessary.

Related: Importance of Personal Financial Literacy.


2. Make a Budget to Help Stop Overspending

A budget is a summary of intended income and expenses within a specific period.

You need to make a budget if you want to stop wasteful spending of money.

You can highlight how much you want to spend in a month and make a proper financial allocation to them.

With a good budget, you should be able to determine whether you are overspending or not.


3. Make Your Budget Work For You

It is not enough to create a budget. It is much more important to make the budget work for you.

So, putting plans in place to work the budget is as crucial as creating it.

Take action steps to allocate resources to your various cost centers.

Ensure you don’t spend more than the fund allocated to a specific item or service.

In summary, stick with your spending budget by all means.

Related: Purpose of a Budget and Best Budget Planners to Help You.


4. Know What You’re Spending Money On

Before spending any money or paying the bill, know what you are spending money on.

Write down the cost of any item you are buying and indicate it.

This is important as it would help you avoid paying for one item twice or multiple times.


5. Swear off and Pay off your Debt

If you must stop spending money then you need to abstain from debt.

The lesser debt you have to pay the more money you can save. Avoid debt by all means, if you can.

If you are already in debt and want to take back control of how you spend money, then start an effective debt repayment plan that will really help you get your debt under control.

The plan should help swear off and pay off your debt. Ultimately, you will start saving.


6. Shop With A Goal In Mind

Shopping is all about spending money to get what you want.

If you must stop spending too much on shopping then you should shop with a goal in mind.

What this means is that you must set a spending goal before going to shop for your groceries, toiletries, clothes, and other items.

Draw up a list of the things you intend to buy and stick with this list when you shop, unless of course you are getting paid or rewarded to shop and making money as a mystery shopper.

Otherwise, don’t deviate from the goal on your list and mind what you spend your money on while shopping.

If you apply this principle, then it would become easier for you to not overspend on items.

You will save money easily.


7. Track Your Spending to Help Stop Spending Too Much Money

You can track your spending always if you want to stop wasteful spending.

Monitor how much you spend and ensure it meets the target you have set.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

If what you spend in a month is overshooting what you have set in your budget, then it would be time to make adjustments.

You can use budget tracker tools or apps to track your expenses.

If you track your spendings well, then it would be easier to be in control of your savings and investment.


8. Stop Paying With Credit/Debit Cards

If you stop paying for what you bought with credit/debit cards, then you will start saving more money.

Although these payments cards may offer you convenience when doing a transaction, they come with extra usage charges.

The more you use them the more expenses you will accumulate in the long run.

Limit or stop the use of credit or debit cards to make payments.

Related: Best Credit Repair Software that Can Help.


9. Stop Spending Money on Food At Restaurants

Food takes a large portion of how living expenses after rent.

So, you can stop spending money by reducing the amount of food you eat or focusing on looking for where to buy cheap food… or even looking for where to get food without paying any money.

I am not saying you should starve to save but you should stop eating out when you can eat at home and spend less.

Yes, you should stop spending money eating out at restaurants. Make your meals and eat at home instead.

Cooking at home is cheaper than eating out, unless of course you are engaging in food tasting programs that pay you to eat.

So, at the very least, let a major part of your meals be made from home.


10. Leave Your Wallet at Home

If you are going out without the intention of buying anything necessary then don’t go with your wallet.

The intention here is that you don’t go out with cash, credit, or debit cards.

If you don’t have them with you then you would avoid situations that could lead you to spend money.

This situation happens to the best of us.

Even if you are extremely disciplined, you may give in to the temptation of spending money on the things you did not plan for.


How To Stop Spending Money


11. Delay Gratification to Stop Spending Money on Unnecessary Things

You can delay gratification to avoid spending.

If something crops up and you didn’t plan nor thought about it before now, then you should delay gratification.

Don’t give to that instant desire for now until a later time in the future.

Also See: Why Success Is the Best Revenge and How to Make 10,000 Very Fast.

Delaying gratification will help you rebuild your finances so you can get that item or a better one in the future.

You can think about imposing a delay gratification mindset if you realize that denying yourself that comfort for the now may lead to better comfort tomorrow.

So, instead of buying things you will regret in the future, delay your gratification.

Make sure you only buy things that are already in your budget and you will not feel guilty about it.


12. Challenge Yourself To Reach Your New Goals

You can stop spending money if you set a personal challenge to test your willpower.

You can decide to challenge yourself into using only a few hundred dollars in a month without adding or subtracting.

If you fulfill this goal then you have your finance under control.

Another tip is to buy only 75 percent of the necessities you spend at home in a month.

You will be surprised that you may not need to use them up after all.


13. Unsubscribe From Store Emails

You can unsubscribe from the store emails you get in your inbox. This can help you to stop spending money unnecessarily.

Brands may spam your inbox with their marketing emails, and to tell the truth, you don’t need most of them.

To avoid indulging them and buying what you don’t need, unsubscribe from such email lists.


14. Get Free Stuff Rather than Pay

Yes, this is a very good way to avoid spending money, especially because there are lots of ways to get lots of stuff for free.

Below are some of the awesome stuff you can get for free and exactly how to:


15. Reward Yourself

To stop spend is an adjustment of lifestyle. Incentivize yourself if you follow through with an idea that makes you spend little or no more.

Reward yourself with a nice meal, beverage, a new piece of clothing, etc – just make it simple.

The thought of getting a reward will inspire you to keep taking steps that would lead to stopping spending money.


16. Look For Help

If all is said and done, you still cannot stop spending money unnecessary by yourself, then you should seek external help.

Ask your peers, family members, and those you on tips to stop being wasteful and start saving more.

You can also hire a financial advisor or best financial intermediaries to see you through the process professionally.



As this article has shown, it’s not that hard to stop spending money, if you know what to do… and actually do them!

This article contains some of the best helpful tips on how to stop spending money. No matter what your present situation is or how hard you think it is to stop spending money, the tips in this article will really help you.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE