You can really make money in Upload, as you will learn from this very helpful article.

It contains 25 best ways and tips to really making money in Upland.



There are many famous named cities in America.

Some of the more well-known cities would include New York City, Chicago, Miami, Seattle, Los Angeles, etc.

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

Basically, all of the major metropolitan cities have so much to offer and have a big population.

Which got me thinking about smaller cities and some of the more unique names that some of these cities have.

For example, have you heard of?

  • Normal, Illinois
  • Dummer, New Hampshire
  • Hell, Michigan
  • Rough and Ready, California
  • Bigfoot, Texas

Now, today there are new cities that are in the virtual world.

One of those cities or countries goes by the name of Upland and is an alternative reality in which you are engaged as you would be in normal life but only everything is accomplished virtually.

Added to the mix is that Upland’s platform is powered by Blockchain and even though it is a virtual reality it can be transferred to real-world action that involves real money.

Let us, therefore, pack our suitcase and travel to Upland and identify ways that we can make money while we are visiting.


25 Best Ways & Tips to Help You Make Money in Upland


1. Know all about Upland

Upland is a metaverse game that is based on blockchain.

In this metaverse game, you can sell, trade, and buy virtual properties that have correspondence to the real world.

The currency of Blockland is UPX coins and the project or game utilizes the blockchain process that is tied to each property within the Upland game to a non-fungible token.


2. Know the Purpose

The purpose of the creation of Upland was to provide virtual play for gaming enthusiasts.

The added caveats are that it can easily be joined and played on one’s computer or other mobile platforms. The other caveats are that it is based on cryptocurrency and provides the opportunity for players to earn real money.


3. Know How the Game Works

The players of this game use the Upland currency which is known as UPX.

The UPX is fiat currency and with this currency virtual properties are purchased, earnings are made, and properties are upgraded to increase their value and properties are traded for fiat.

The only way to transfer the UPX tokens to cash is through the sale of assets.


the game is programmed so that Upland releases tokens on a monthly basis to encourage the players to hold their assets.

These earnings are sent to the individual’s UPX accounts.


4. Sign up for Free

To sign up and register as a participant in Upland is made available at no charge.

It is available as a mobile app and also on the computer at

The game is also free to play however without any investments of money, the game is very slow-paced and more relaxed.


5. Currency

With your UPX you can mint properties, purchase unique nonfungible tokens in various Upland stores, and power your activities within the game such as sending, marketplace transactions, and other actionable items.

Through the game, it is also possible to earn real money by converting your digital assets.


6. Strategies

There are a variety of strategies that players can utilize in maximizing their monthly yields.

For example, one of those strategies is the action of holding rare UPX in unique properties over the long term.

These properties need to be bought on the secondary Market from another player at an inflated price.

Another strategy would be to not buy on the secondary market but only on mint properties to maximize your yield.

Below are other games that you can make money with:


7. Player Status Levels

Within the game of Upland, there are different status levels that are achieved by the players.

The different levels are what differentiates the players from one another and are reflected in their net worth.

The more UPX that the individual owns the higher their status.

The status levels are:

  • Visitor
  • Uplander – net worth of at least 10,000 UPX
  • Pro – net worth of 100,000 UPX
  • Director – net worth of at least one million UPX
  • Executive – net worth of at least 10 Mio.


8. Visitor

As a new player, you are placed within the visitor status and your net worth can range from 0 to $9,999 UPX.

As a visitor, you are required to renew your Visa within the time frame of 7 days.

This means that you have to actively log into the game once within that 7-Day period.

If you do not log in during that time frame, your Visa is terminated and all of the properties associated with your account will be liquidated and go back into the overall community pool.


9. Sell Property

A significant way to earn money in Upland is by selling property.

The value of the property is determined through the program feature known as Upland Marketplace Analytics.

The value placed on any property that you own has no fixed amount and is entirely driven by what the market will bear.

In order to receive real money through the selling of property, you need to be registered in Upland.

Selling property can provide earnings for the player in both USD and UPX currencies.

Also See: How to Make Money on KIK & How to Make Money on Rumble.


10. Sell Block Explorer

In the game, you become an avatar and your avatar is known as your explorer or a block explorer.

The avatar walks through the city but is not controlled by you and therefore getting to a particular location can be challenging.

Additionally, your avatars in Upland can be multiple and not just one single unit.

Therefore, a way to earn money in Upland is to sell Block Explorers.

Selling Block Explorers can provide earnings for the player in both USD and UPX currencies.


11. NFL Player Legits

Within the game, there is the opportunity to collect legit as it relates to NFL players.

The legits can be essentials, replicas, spotlights, autographs, and mementos.

You can start buying legits and also make trades with other players for your team’s legits.

There are various competitions and a leader board is established that represents the points earned by the fans and players.

As you rise in the ranking, you have the opportunity to get an autograph, a memento, etc.

These NFL legits can then be traded, sold, or kept.

Selling NFL player legits can provide earnings for the player in both USD and UPX currencies.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE


12. Flipping Properties

The primary way of making money in Upland is through the flipping of properties.

As new cities are launched in this metaverse game, you can be the first individual to mint new properties which provide you with the lowest price.

Once you have accomplished this then you can sell the property on the secondary market or you can hold your property over a longer period of time for capital gain.


13. Rent Out Spark

In the game, there is a resource that is utilized in order to build structures on properties that you own.

This item is known as a spark.

If you own a spark, other players or organizations within the game may be willing to rent your spark and when this happens you are paid.


14. Earn Property Yield

Each and every property in Upland has an annual yield on its value.

This annual yield is set at 17.28%. these yields are available on a 3-hour basis and the yield is calculated or determined by using the mint price of the property.


15. Complete a Collection

Another way to earn UPX in Upland is when you complete a collection.

When this collection has been completed you earn an even higher bonus with the higher the bonus being the more difficult it is to complete the collection.


16. Visiting Fees

When a player visits the property of another individual the visitor must pay a fee to the owner of that property.

The fees vary depending upon the location and the visiting fees can range anywhere from five to 100 UPX.


17. Treasure Hunting

An exciting component of the game is being involved with treasure hunts.

A treasure hunt calls for the individual to visit the various blocks throughout the city in order to find, in a short period of time, a treasure.

If the treasure is located, you will receive UPX and also a possibility of receiving a spark.


18. Rent

Another way that you can make money in Upland is by renting out property that you own.


19. Optimizing Yields

Another strategy for earning money through Upland is to continually optimize your yields.

This can be accomplished by moving your various properties around in collections.

The speculative dynamic of earning higher yields is to mint large properties in particular areas that could potentially be in a collection.


20. Win Contests

Within the game, there are a variety of different contests that are held.

The winning of the contest and the players who are the most successful appear in a ranking and those who rank at the top of the winning column are able to win spark.


21. Recurrent Earnings

Rental payments are paid to each of the players from the properties that they own.

These rental payments are paid by the community UPX pool.


22. Level Up

Once you have leveled up in the game you then are in the position to be able to sell any properties that you have in exchange for USD.


23. Construction Businesses

A way to earn money in Upland is through construction.

Within the game, there are a few individuals that will construct properties for you.

The process involves the renting of spark and charging you a percentage for the construction project.

Therefore, a way to earn money would be to be a builder.

Related: How to Make Money and Get Paid in Construction.


24. Other Businesses

The game has evolved to the point now where businesses have been introduced.

These businesses are called medaventures in which you can open up a shop or business and sell in-game items like block explorers once you have acquired a license.


25. Daily Login

Periodically during the playing of the game, those who log into Upland over a period of seven consecutive days will be given different amounts of spark.


Personal Story

What lived in the southwest part of the United States, we were required to attend a conference in Albuquerque New Mexico.

While traveling to the city in the northern part of the state, we had the opportunity to enjoy the scenery, the desert landscape, and the various different cities that dotted our trip along the way.

There were cities that had taken on the flavor of the geographical area and represented the beautiful language of the various peoples that resided in these cities.

City names such as Mescal, Cochise, San Simon Las Cruces, etc.

When we got into the state of New Mexico and were traveling north, we came across a city that was that is named Truth or Consequences.

Strangely, not the name of the city was taken from any of the indigenous tribes, Spanish culture, or settlers that had moved into that area.

Was taken from a TV show and has an interesting history as it relates to that city taking on that name.

Anyway, all, that is to say, is that even though these cities have different names, they are basically the same and have a population, a city government, unique scenery, unique features, etc.

However, as we move into the virtual-reality world, a whole new dimension is added to city living but the one constant is that money can be made in Upland.


Making Money in Upland FAQs


What is One of the Most Critical Steps as It Relates to Owning Property in Upland?

The first piece of advice when starting to buy property in Upland is that when you start you limit your purchase of property to 50,000 UPX or under.

This is due to the fact that new players come in and buy large amounts of UPX and began their involvement by buying a large amount of UPX tokens.

When they do they buy up expensive property and as a result, this takes them to a different level right away with that level being a pro.

Therefore, they don’t have access to what is termed as housing from a clean start.

It is important to remember that some of the properties in town are set aside for players that are new to the game and cannot afford 1 million dollars properties such as these other types of players.

This way you are off to the best start possible as it relates to buying cheap property.


Who Invented Upland?

Upland was the creative brainchild that came out of a late-night monopoly game between the cofounders of Mani, Idan, and Dirk.


You Can Do It

When we visit a new area, city, or country, we are a little bit apprehensive because the area is unknown to us and we don’t know what to expect.

The same can be said to be true with visiting the virtual location of Upland.

However, like most new adventures, one gets familiar with what is going on and a level of comfortableness settles in.

Who knows, visiting the virtual land of Upland may soon provide that level of comfort as you settle into being a resident and earning money.



Visiting faraway places and different cities is an adventure in itself.

Often, these cities have unique features that draw people and visitors to their geographical location.

There are various historical sites to enjoy, the particular attraction that highlights the city and makes the inhabitants proud, but above all, a city is only as beautiful and engaging as the residents.

Welcome to the city/country of Upland a virtual community that has a lot to offer and can be an enjoyable experience as it relates to visiting and earning money.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

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Apart from being a seasoned Personal Finance expert who has written for top publications around the world, I bring significant personal financial experience. Long story short... through bad financial choices... I found myself $100,000 plus in debt. I was able to dissolve this indebtedness and regain financial solvency. This financial turn around was accomplished through reading, studying and implementing a financial plan. My financial plan included paying down my debt through budgeting, being cognizant of where my financial resources were being spent, changing my attitude about money and understanding the binding chains of the improper use of credit. Today, and for 10 years, I have been debt free and have invested wisely to enjoy my current retirement. This is allowing me to write to help others make, save and grow money wisely!