Yes, you can learn how to get free ethereum from reading this article.
It reveals a lot of tips and helpful guide to getting free Ethereum that you probably didn’t previously know.
Table of Contents
Why Get Free Ethereum?
Why not, right?
Especially as it’s really possible.
First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:
SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE
First things first though…
Many unsavory four-letter words are utilized today.
Most likely, as a child, you were taught not to say these four-letter words because they were curse words or swear words and nice people did not say such things.
We were taught that these words were offensive and should not be said in public or front of certain people.
In fact, in earlier days, there were strict FCC guidelines about saying these words on public broadcasting stations and the words would get “bleeped” out.
Today is another story.
Fortunately, not all four-letter words are offensive.
The obvious four-letter word that is powerful and gracious is love.
Other words could include give, good, home, cash, etc.
Speaking of cash another four-letter would be free.
Combining these two four-letter words of free and cash, most likely, makes one feel very good.
As it relates to cryptocurrency, let us explore ways to receive free crypto or Ethereum.
Personal Story
I grew up in a family of three sisters and one brother.
My parents owned a station wagon and before seat belt laws my favorite place when we traveled was in the back area.
As children, we had to amuse ourselves and we would often play word games.
On one occasion we were traveling and my older sister set me up.
The word game was to fill in the blanks of a word that began with a certain letter and ended with a certain letter.
My older sister was in charge and so we began with the beginning letter of the alphabet.
Eventually, we got to the letter off, and my sister went there and gave the ending letter of k.
A bit of giggling went on but I blurted out the unspeakable word.
The girls laughed but there was no laughter from the front of the car where my parents were.
I knew that I was in trouble and so to avoid the discipline that I knew would be coming, I took immediate action.
I faked my going to sleep and hoped that the storm would pass and my verbal indiscretion would be forgotten.
It was not – suffice it to say the pain is another four-letter word.
20 Best Ways & Tips to Help You Get Free Ethereum
1. Know More About Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is a financial process in which certain types of coins have value and can be exchanged for services, products, payments to another individual, etc.
Certain types of coins that are classified as cryptocurrency include Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.
This form of currency exists as virtual or provided digitally.
The process of transactions conducted through cryptocurrency is called cryptography.
With cryptocurrency, there is no regulating authority and goes through a decentralized system as the transactions are processed.
Cryptocurrency is also a peer-to-peer system and does not require any reliance on banks or other financial institutions.
The actual physical coin is never carried in one’s pocketbook, wallet, or purse but is stored on a variety of databases or in what is called E-wallets.
2. Know More About Ethereum
Ethereum is a blockchain-based software platform that supports this cryptocurrency.
It is the second-largest cryptocurrency out of all of the crypto coins and is second only to Bitcoin.
As a currency, it has value and can be utilized to purchase or pay individuals without the involvement of a third party or any oversight by a centralized financial institution.
In other words, the use of this cryptocurrency and others do not report to any financial institutions such as a bank.
The advantages of this coin plus others are that it is secure, private, and provides significant financial control for the individual owning this cryptocurrency.
3. Ethereum Airdrop
Airdrops have no qualifiers associated with them.
In other words, there is nothing that you need to do to earn these occasional cryptocurrency tokens that are given to you.
They are called airdrops because they are simply given to users in appreciation of the individuals using the particular platforms.
4. Coinbase
Coinbase is a trading cryptocurrency platform in which an individual can purchase crypto and be offered several choices as it relates to which coins to buy.
It is a very informative site and shows the particular coin that you may be looking at as it relates to its decline and increase in value.
Also, Coin Base Earn will provide you $30 worth of crypto if you participate in their learning and tutoring program.
To utilize this platform fully you need to be a registered user.
Also, through this website, you can obtain additional cryptocurrency if you refer someone and they purchase or they register on the site utilizing your user code.
Click here to check out Coinbase
5. YouTube
An opportunity to get free Ethereum is by going to the YouTube website and conducting a search on investing in crypto, Ethereum, etc.
Your search will provide you with several videos in which an individual will endeavor to explain the cryptocurrency process, tips and tricks on how to invest, and will most likely share their success story.
During the individual’s presentation, they will offer you the opportunity to get started in the investment process and may provide you a code that you can utilize to get free crypto to get you started.
One of the websites that YouTube might direct you to is Coinbase.
This is beneficial to you to get you started if this is something that you wish to move forward on and also provides a monetary or crypto donation back to the individual presenting the YouTube video.
6. Celsius Network
This network does a reward of free cryptocurrency.
However, to take advantage of this offer there needs to be a significant purchase of cryptocurrency.
That amount is $1,000.
The reward is $10 in crypto coins.
If you maintain the deposit for three months, then the reward is doubled.
The other advantage of this site is that you earn 10% interest.
Added to the mix is an additional 30% if you hold a percentage of your stake in the Celsius coin (CEL).
7. Remote Jobs
With the ease of technology and the emphasis on freelancing jobs, an opportunity to earn free Ethereum is through the completion of these employment opportunities.
Freelancing jobs could include creative writing, graphic design work, grant writing, bookkeeping, and more.
Payment can be made in Ethereum.
To research crypto jobs, you can access or
8. Interest
Currency owner, you have your choice of which accounts you wish to place your crypto.
One of those choices is an interest bearing account.
Part of the cryptocurrency process involves “staking and lending.”
Suffice it to say that money can be borrowed from you, and you will be reimbursed with interest.
Also See: How to Get Free NFT.
Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:
SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE
9. Referrals
A fairly passive way to earn additional crypto is by utilizing the referral process.
This entails the individual that owns crypto inviting others to be part of the crypto platform.
A code is provided to the crypto owner.
If you tell others about the opportunity and they invest and utilize your code both you and the other individual will receive a bonus.
10. Hard Forks
Hard Forks is similar to airdrop’s but there is one significant distinction.
With airdrop, there is an aspect of social engagement.
With a hard fork, there is a split that is created and if and when it occurs you would have had no interaction or involvement.
11. Mining
Mining in the world of cryptocurrency is the process that involves fact-checking transactions that are made within the network.
The individual who is successful in completing the check and validating a new coin is awarded free coins.
As it relates to Ethereum this particular coin is the most essential and profitable.
You can mine Ethereum at no cost using your personal computer, a wallet, and appropriate software.
12. Cloud Mining
Cloud Mining is an opportunity of earning cryptocurrency by renting out computing power from third-party sources.
Previously, a powerhouse software computer company would have in their companies or a business a vast array of computers that would work around-the-clock crunching numbers.
Today, with cloud computing software companies are now able to rent the power from a vast resource of different computers that are hosted elsewhere.
Cloud Mining is this process of outsourcing computer work to mine cryptocurrency.
Instead of the purchase of expensive computers to mine the coins, the computing power needed can be rented from a cloud mining company based anywhere in the world.
This is an opportunity to receive Ethereum for this service provided.
13. Hosted Mining
Hosted mining is a dedicated business that encourages miners to send their computers to their facility.
The hosted computers will be maintained by this hosted mining company.
The advantage is a reduction in overhead due to lower electricity prices that are generally enjoyed by large data centers.
To be involved in this process the miner can bring their machine or have some of the machines sold to you by the hosting facilities.
This is another way to receive Ethereum for the service being provided.
14. Earnathon
The main focus of Earnathon is to provide education about cryptocurrency.
They have a lofty goal of trying to reach and educate 1 billion people by the year 2050.
Through this website, the student can learn about ENA.
This token can be utilized for staking, launching products, and yield farming.
Added to the educational mix is a course offered entitled “Evolution of Money.”
If you enroll in the course, you can earn up to $20 in ENA (Earnathon Token).
You could draw that money out and invest in Ethereum.
Click here to check out Earnathon
15. Bitcoin Reward
Bitcoin Reward is a website in which an individual can participate in the playing of games, doing surveys, watching videos, etc.
Unlike the other survey websites, Bitcoin Reward pays the registered user crypto coins.
Also, a robust referral system is in place, and when other individuals are referred and they become involved a 50% commission is provided to you as a commission for any offers that the referred individual completes.
Two obtain your coins you simply provide your physical and email address and earnings can begin instantaneously.
It appears that payment is made in Bitcoin but most likely the Bitcoin can be converted to Ethereum.
Click here to check out Bitcoin Reward
16. Freecash
At Freecash the registered user can earn frequent cash in a variety of ways.
Some of those activities that a participant can get paid for include participating in surveys, being involved in offer walls, and also providing a link in which featured offers are available to the user.
Pay can be in cash, reward cards, and also cryptocurrency.
Click here to check out Freecash
17. Earn Crypto
Earn Crypto is a website in which the also purpose is to teach the individual about cryptocurrency.
The incentive or motivation in learning is to earn coins whether they are Bitcoins, Ethereum, or other crypto coins.
The process behind this earning crypto or the theory involves the individual learning more about cryptocurrency.
The learning by the student is accomplished by watching entertaining videos, downloading apps, answering service surveys, and completing tasks to find great deals to earn more crypto.
When these tasks are completed successfully, the student then receives cryptocurrency as a reward.
18. Bituro
Bituro is an app-based opportunity to be rewarded with Ethereum.
Through this app, you can be involved with surveys, play the guessing game, complete pay tasks, or invite other people to utilize this app.
The rewards that you receive can be paid out to you through PayPal or you can convert the amount of money earned into cryptocurrency.
Click here to check out Bituro
19. Microwork
Registering as a user on this app will provide you with several rewards when you complete small tasks.
Some of those tasks include taking photos of certain items and uploading them to the app.
Payment is made for doing the small tasks in and paid in Ethereum or you convert your earnings to cash and withdraw through the PayPal system.
For more information about Microwork, you can click here.
20. Fold
The Fold Visa debit card can be applied for, obtained, and utilized.
When you are issued this debit card you can utilize it to purchase gift cards from the Fold Store.
Every time you make a purchase, you receive crypto coin back on every transaction.
Free Ethereum FAQs
What Are the Benefits of Ethereum or Cryptocurrency?
Some of the benefits of having cryptocurrency include:
- Security of investment
- Diversification of portfolio
- Private transactions
- Ease of buying and selling
Are There Any Negatives as It Relates to Ethereum or Cryptocurrency?
The possible negatives of cryptocurrency include:
- Volatility
- Anonymity
- Cyber security
- Fairly new therefore need for education
You Can Do It
There is no free lunch or money for that matter.
Those involved in cryptocurrency want to promote this financial currency option and want you to be invested.
They are sites that are willing to provide Ethereum to you at no cost in exchange for your learning about cryptocurrency and investing your crypto with them.
Many four-letter words were once taboo but society changes and perhaps there is no longer the negative impact that these words once had.
However, free has never been a negative four-letter word especially when it comes to money whether that money is in American dollars or through the monetary exchange of cryptocurrency or Ethereum.
Free is good.
Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:
SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE