If you have spent some time doing any kind of marketing online, it’s most likely you have heard of Clickfunnels and Russell Brunson.

But what you and many may now know is that Clickfunnels has now grown to a 400+ million dollar company.

And all its success was without getting VC funding.

From a meteoric rise in the first year with 10,000 members signed up and paying monthly to use it, to more than double the next year, the company has continued to grow.

The third year saw an increase of paying members from over 30,000 to over 50,000.

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

The third year also led to Clickfunnels doing about $100,000,000.

It is now one of the fastest-growing software company in the world, with over 55,000 monthly paying members using it to power their businesses.

All that within the first 4 years of starting!

This article shows you how Russell Brunson, his co-founders and his team achieved this crazy feat, without getting a dime in VC funding.

It also contains very helpful takeaways you can implement in your own business, to grow it into far bigger than it currently is.

And it concludes with a completely free book from Russell that you can get shipped to you. The free book will completely change your life for the better if you want.


Russell Grew Clickfunnels without VC Funding By Relying On The Power of His Own List

Yes, you read that right.

In a world where big companies making millions of dollars mostly get their funding from venture capitalists, Russell’s Clickfunnels was and is still entirely self-funded by his own Etison, LLC.

Instead of relying on the money and connection from venture capitalists, he relied on the power of his 1+ million followers to start and massively grow the company.

That’s why if you haven’t already… you should, as a matter of urgency, immediately start building and/or growing your own list of subscribers and/or followers!

This is critically important if you want an asset that you can leverage every single time, even if everything else doesn’t work in your favor.

Not only will this asset be yours, no one else can take it away from you.

You can start and grow a business, like Russell did, if you have the right list of subscribers and/or followers.

It’s not just about getting them to buy from you, but you can leverage them to help you spread the word out to way more people than you could on your own.

You can also get them to sign up to promote your product as affiliates, apart from using it themselves… just as Russell did.

russell brunsonIt’s not easy for anyone to build a following of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, let alone over a million.

Yes, Russell is one of the few who has successfully built a following in the millions.

And not just any type of followers, but followers who are themselves entrepreneurs making hundreds of thousands of dollars and even millions of dollars in their individual businesses.

If you combine the net-worth of the 1+ million entrepreneurs who follow Russell, you will easily be talking about billions of dollars.

So, Russell is not just someone who has made it himself, but has already helped 1+ million others make money online.

In fact, as of right now, 2018, the official number of millionaires that credit Russell’s expert teaching, training and software for their success is 206!

Yes, two hundred and six millionaires!

Do the math on how much they have all generated and you will agree it’s easily in the billions of dollars.

So, not only is Russell himself directly responsible for making hundreds of millions of dollars, he has taught and helped 200+ millionaires make billions of dollars!

And unlike fly-by-night-gone-by-day wannabe entrepreneurs who make a lot of noise within months or few years and are gone, Russell has been on the scene for over 10 years and still going strong.

In fact, if there’s a name that is now synonymous with success in the online marketing scene, it has to be Russell!

Of course there are others who started around when he did but most of them are no longer active.

Russell is… and still going strong.

And how when it comes to the term “self-made”, no one else deserves this more than Russell.


What Other Factors Helped Russell Achieve All These and What Can You Take Away From It All?


Russell Brunson Started Very Early

Unlike many who started their entrepreneurial journey late, Russell started very early… as early as when he was just 12 years old!

While many of his 12 year old mates spent time playing video games or watching cartoons just for the fun of it, he spent his time differently – intently watching TV or listening to radio looking for something than the usual.

What he was looking for will surprise you.

He wasn’t doing that just for the entertainment aspect of it.

Instead, he was watching TV or listening to radio mainly for the commercials!

He was drawn that early in his life to the marketing and sales aspect of TV and radio. This was because, to him, what he was learning from them was the real entertainment.

If you ask me, I’d say it was probably in his DNA, because how many other 12 year olds will you find now who are more entertained by marketing and sales aspect of watching TV than the actual entertainment?

Not many, right?

It’s no surprise that he went on from there to join every business opportunity offer he could found, as he wanted to learn all he could about the actual art and science involved in direct response.


If you have kids, do your best to make them interested in the world of money, marketing and sales, at a young age.

Even if you don’t have kids (yet), remember to do this when you do have kids, or advise others who have kids.

Of course not every 12 year old will be interested, but you can’t know if you don’t try, right?

One good way to do is to lead by example. Many kids learn from what they see their parents or grown-ups around them doing.

If your kids see you spending more time learning marketing and sales related aspects of TV or radio, that might get them interested.

Also See: Secrets To Making Money and Surviving Without Having a Day Job.


Russell Didn’t Wait To Finish School Before Delving Deeply Into Business

From the years he spent learning marketing and sales from TV commercials, his success in business took off when he was in college.

clickfunnels russell brunson

He put all he had spent years learning marketing and sales to successfully sell potato gun DVDs.

Weird stuff to sell, right?

While most will think selling something like this won’t succeed, not Russell.

He not only succeeded with this but created a small business out of it making some really good earnings online.

And guess how much he made from selling something so weird?

Hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Yes, hundreds of thousands of dollars from a guide that taught people how they could build potato guns.

That small business helped launch him into the big world of Internet marketing.

It didn’t take him long to become one of the most brilliant and top minds in the marketing world.

All these while he was still in college.

It took him just about a year after graduating from college to make his first million dollars.

No, not first thousand or first tens of thousands but first million dollars!

While many his age were looking for jobs after college, he had already sold over a million dollars worth of his own products, thanks to his mastery of marketing and sales.

And he did all these, including the million dollars worth of sales of his own products… right from his basement!


You can sell almost anything, if you know how to, and you can turn that into a thriving business.

You will be surprised how many people are interested in what others might think are weird or “out of this world”.

Not just interested but interested enough to spend money learning about it.

And that’s the word here – INTEREST!

You need to make sure enough people are actually interested before spending time to create a product around it for sale.


Russell Gained A Lot Of Experience In Selling A Lot Of Stuff

When it comes to selling, Russell successfully sold almost everything in his early years.

Whether it was health products like supplements and shakes, fashion products like t-shirts, coaching and consulting, physical and electronic books, services in the technological niche, he delved into them all, and made a huge success in the process.

He also delved into many great network marketing companies and was even able to generate a staggering 1.5 million leads and winning a Ferrari in the process, within just 6 weeks.

founder of clickfunnels russell brunson

His biggest success then and now is still in the software industry, where he co-founded Clickfunnels, which is one of the most successful companies of its kind today.


The more you learn and implement what you have learned, the more you will succeed.

If you learn enough about a particular business venture and pour your heart and soul into it, it’s very likely you will succeed.

Of course it’s not just learning, but taking action on what you learn.

It’s the “taking action” that is most important, just as in Russell’s case.


Russell Built Clickfunnels As A Result Of Trying To Solve His Own Problems

He co-founded Clickfunnels to solve many of the problems he encountered in his online marketing journey.

Some of these included having to manually build out sales funnels that helped sell on autopilot.

The beauty with selling on the Internet was and still is been able to set your product(s) up to take drive interest, capture leads, sell to the leads, deliver the product, etc, in what is now known as “sales funnels”.

But having to build it all seamlessly together used to take a lot of time.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

Even with all his knowledge and expertise, it still took his team 4 to 6 whole weeks to put together a single funnel, at the time.

Even longer for others who didn’t have the knowledge and expertise. Not to mention the amount it was costing.

All these frustrations eventually led to the creation of Clickfunnels. At the start it was created to solve their own problems with building their sales funnels and websites.

Not only did it solve the problem and led his team to build funnels faster and much better, it solved a lot of other problems as well.


What you think is a problem in your business or endeavor right now might be your goldmine, without realizing it!

If you can find a very workable solution to that problem that others also have, you can borrow a leaf from Russell and create a product or service out of it that others might want to pay for.

Apart from that, if you would like one or more aspects of your business right now to be done better than they are right now, so would other people.

You can create a solution for yourself and sell it to others as well.

If it solves a problem or more for you, many other people would not mind paying you to solve similar problems for them!


Russell Built Clickfunnels With The Help Of His Co-Founders

As smart as he was, he knew he couldn’t do it all on his own.

founders of clickfunnels

He worked with his co-founders, Todd Dickerson and Dylan Jones, to turn their solutions into a product that that helped other people as well – allowing anyone to build their own sales funnels without going through the same earlier frustrations they did.

That led to the creation of Clickfunnels.

And guess what?

Despite been busy building Clickfunnels, they had fun all through.

clickfunnels founders


Surround yourself with winners, as Russell did. As smart as he was, he couldn’t have done it all on his own.

He had a lot of help from his team of very smart and like-minded co-founders.

And don’t think you are too smart to learn from others!

In fact, be smart enough to find others who are as smart or even smarter than you, to help you grow your business.


Clickfunnels Solved Many Problems For users, As An All-In-One Solution

Russell and his co-founders created Clickfunnels to be the backbone of users’ entire business. It does what 10 or even 20 other products does, all at once.

For example:

  • It builds every type of sales pages
  • It builds and does all kinds of order forms
  • It can also become the shopping cart
  • It also runs the entire affiliate program of the users –
  • It even runs users’ marketing as well!

And it does all these from inside Clickfunnels, without the need to use any other program.

Clickfunnels was also able to grow as quickly as it did because it can be used by anyone to improve their business, regardless of the type of business.

Whether it is freelancer business, information products, blogging, e-commerce, affiliate marketing, network marketing, coaching/consulting, local small business or even non-profits.

And of course as they always say “they drink their own cool’aid” by running their entire 400+ million dollar business off of their very own Clickfunnels software.

Yes, everything they use is inside Clickfunnels.

From their sales funnels, their shopping carts, their auto-responders, their affiliate program, everything is run off of Clickfunnels. And all from one central spot.

It can also be used anywhere and on any device with an Internet connection.


If you can help people solve the problems you are also having in your business, that could be the beginning of something bigger than your wildest imagination.

The key word here is…


If that’s more important to you than actually making money, you are most likely going to succeed.

If you are new to Affiliate marketing, the following articles right on this Kingged.com website will help a lot:


Russell And His Team Focused More On “Community” Than “Software”

One of the ways Russell and his team achieved this was focusing on the COMMUNITY behind Clickfunnels!

expert secrets book author russell brunsonRussell and his team didn’t just want to build another software company, especially not one that is only about the piece of software.

There were already many other such companies out there with just the software as the “all in all”. With such companies there’s no emotional attachment beyond just logging in to use the software.

Russell and his team wanted much more than that. They wanted to build a community that will be much more than just the software.

In his own words, they wanted to “build something that’s bigger than just the code and the software”.

To achieve this, they put together a live event where they brought hundreds of marketers and everyday users of their software to have them share what’s working and what’s not with how they built their funnels and used the software.

Attendees shared what was working for them and even got a lot in the area of personal development. It wasn’t just an event to pitch products or sell, as other marketing events are.

The first such live event had 600 people show up and therein began the start of the massive “community behind the code and software”.

At the end of the first live event, they got hundreds more signed up for the next one, which turned out much bigger and better.

And the rest is history. Now Russell and his team have a “massive community” that not only uses their software but also supports its continuous growth.

They were able to massively grown the software company because they cared more about the community of users than just the code!

TAKEAWAY from this?

Don’t only think about creating a product or a service just for the sake of it.

Think about how to build a community in the process, who will fall in love with your product or service and help you spread word about it.


Russell and his team gave a LOT more to affiliates than just commissions

As a way to give a lot more back to those who helped to promote Clickfunnels, they started their now famous Dream Car” contest.

This contest recognizes affiliates and rewards them with the payment of their dream cars.

Below are some of the cars that have been won:

  • Luxury sedans and SUVs
  • Fancy sports cars
  • Souped-up trucks with “all the trimmings”
  • And lots more!

clickfunnels dream car winners



clickfunnels affiliate dream car winners

This contest got the attention of big names in the marketing industry, with many of the promoting Clickfunnels and winning their dream cars.

Some of the popular names that have won include:

  • Robert Kiyosaki (yes, the best selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad)
  • Mike Filsaime
  • Martin Crumlish
  • Matt Callen
  • John Lee Dumas
  • Tai Lopez
  • Franklin Hatchett
  • Rachel Lee
  • and lots of others!

Click here to see how you can also be one of the winners!

TAKEAWAY from this?

If you have a product or service, it’s a good idea to come up with smarter ways of getting affiliates to promote for you. Smarter ways than the traditional method of just offering affiliate commissions. Everyone does that now. You have to do better, to get better results.

Of course you don’t have to give away cars like Russell is doing, but you can come up with your own unique special “award” for your affiliates.


Want to be one of the 200+ millionaires Russell has helped create?

As said earlier, not only is Russell himself directly responsible for making hundreds of millions of dollars, he has taught and helped 200+ millionaires make billions of dollars!

You can be one of such millionaires too, if you want to.

And you can get started completely free.

You read that right – you can get started with learning from Russell for completely free.

By getting his Expert Secrets book, for free!

It retails for $19.95 but if you hurry you can get it completely free by clicking here.

Russell is giving away a limited number to help as many people as possible.

The book has already helped countless people around the world and it can help you too.


Here’s what veteran author of the very popular “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, Robert Kiyosaki, had to say about this book:

Expert Secrets Is The Map That Will Allow You To Turn Your Specialized Knowledge, Talents and Abilities Into A Business That Will Work For You! This Is One Of The Shortcuts of The New Rich

That’s a very powerful endorsement coming from a very powerful figure, wouldn’t you agree?

There are many other well known people who have read and wholeheartedly endorsed this book.

They do because it’s that powerful.


Again, yes, the book is completely free, if you take action on requesting it after reading this.

And yes, there’s no guarantee that it will still be available for free tomorrow.

And yes, it’s a physical book, shipped right to your house.

All you do it pay for shipping and it will be shipped directly to you, no matter where you are in the world.

And for the crazy part – if you get this book and don’t agree it’s a life-changer, let Russell know and he will even refund your shipping cost… and still let you keep the book!

That’s how confident he is that you will not only love his book but that it will completely change your life for the better.

Reading this free book could be the beginning of your joining one of the 200+ millionaires that Russell has helped.

And it’s not just what you will learn from the book but the connection you will make just from reading it.

Requesting access to the book automatically makes you one of the 1+ million followers Russell has… for free.

And the beauty with been one of his followers is that he continuously provides helpful tips and resources to his followers, mostly free.

This means you will continue to learn from Russell, whether you decide to buy from him down the road or not. He even gives his followers free or trial access to his software products every now and then.


Click HERE or the image below, to request your free book today!


get free book

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE