This article shows exactly how to get grants for single mothers.

It also shows the exact ways and sources any single mom can use today to get her hands on much needed grants.

No doubts about it, single motherhood isn’t easy, but this doesn’t mean it has to be next to impossible to make positive change or take steps that will enable you to have every chance to be successful.

All you need is access to the right type of resources in order to create belief and give you every chance to feel confident you can be successful or get help with a stressful situation.

How about 15 different grants for single mothers that will actually provide you with help?

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

We know this might be something you’ve already considered, but we want you to understand just how useful these grants can be.

If you want to increase your chances of getting them all you need to do is apply and be serious about it. It would also be a good idea if you had access to even more resources that what we’re going to mention here.

With this being said we feel you should take some of the grant options mentioned here and research in order to see if you can find even more options. Increased options equal a higher overall probability of getting the money you might so badly need.

What we want to do is focus on grants that you can actually qualify for. Understand that most of these are going to be actual grants you would get in the form of cash.

Others are going to be merely forms of assistance, but they work the same way in terms of lightening a single mother’s burden in some regard whether it be to bills or some other pressing concern.

Take a look at some of the grants and assistance programs mentioned below:


1. The Amber Foundation

If you’re a single mother who also happens to be operating a business, then the Amber Foundation might be able to provide you with grant money in order to help you either stay afloat or expand.

Grants are available all the way up to little over $27.000.

The foundation is so effective at what it does that they have been featured on WE Magazine several time and are considered to be one of the number one grant options for single mothers with a business.

Other reputable sources have also made reference to it and recommend it such as Business Money Today as well as USA Today.

Click here to apply on the Amber Foundation website.


2. Grant From Soroptimist International

You might be a women who needs money in order to help with paying college tuition in order to remain in school, pay for good childcare for your kid or pay for some other form of job training that would enable you to provide a better life for you and your child.

There’s a grant you may qualify for from Soroptimist International.

These grants are available all the way up to $15.000+.

The grant program has helped countless women in the past and applying is easy.

Just understand that there are multiple stages you have to go through in order to qualify.

Click here to check it out –> Soroptimist International.


3. Smart Grant From the Federal Government

If you’re a single mother attending school, then you’re likely knowledgeable about grants such as the Penn Grant, which is provided by means of the federal government.

However, a lot of women might not be aware that there’s a different type of grant known as the National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) grant program.

This grant is made for those single mothers who have a grade point average of at least 3.0. It’s designed for those who focus on studies such as math, science as well as specific foreign languages.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, then you should definitely check it out.


4. Artist Grant

If you’re a single mother who also is into visual arts, then a couple hundred dollars can be a huge help right?

How would little over $500 help you out?

The Artist Grant offers a great opportunity for single mothers who are into visual arts to get money in order to compete for work, usually by means of freelancing.

It can also help provide you with the money you might need in order to pay for materials. The cash can be used to help create a professional looking website, complete a project you already have or even pay for some advertising to create awareness about who you are and what you do.

Check it out here –> Artist Grant.


How to Get Grants For Single Mothers


5. Grant from Halstead

Are you a single mother who is into jewelry design?

How serious are you about it?

Does up to $7,500 sound like its money you can really use to help you along the way?

Is your goal to turn your skill into a business, something you can use in order to help create a better life for yourself?

Well if all of this sounds like you, then you might want to consider applying for the Halstead Grant!

Think about it, if you’re able to get a grant for designing jewelry and turning it into a business as a single mom, then this is going to have a profound impact on your life.

You can learn more about how the grant works and what you need to do in order to qualify from this link –> Halstead Grant.


6. Kickass Single Mom Grant From Wealthy Single Mommy

Single moms are usually very hard working, because for the most part they have to be if the goal is to create a better life for themselves and their child.

If you need money in order to help you create more momentum, then the “Kickass Single Mom Grant from Wealthy Single Mommy” might be just what you need.

One thing you’ll need to do when applying is share your personal story and it has to be solid. Your story has to show how you’ve made gains in your efforts despite your situation and how you plan on improving even more moving forward.

If this grant seems like something you believe you’d be a good fit for, then you can apply through the link provided.

Also, the maximum grant amount is only for about $1,000.

Also See: Best Ways of Making Money Selling Candles.


Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

7. Grant From Idea Café

Even though the total grant amount for single mothers offered here is only $1,000, this money can work wonders for women who qualify.

The grant money is to be used for one main purpose and this is helping a woman to grow her small scale business past a certain point.

Although the amount is small, women in the beginning stages can really make dramatic changes to their business with this influx of cash. The application process is actually quite simple.

Understand though that actually getting approved for the grant is tough though. You have to go through multiple stages in order to qualify. You can apply by checking out the application process.

Also See: Elderly Companion Jobs to Earn Money Hanging out with Elderly.


8. Wal-Mart Foundation’s Community Grant

If you’re a single mother that either volunteers for or actually operates any organization in your community designed to create a positive impact, then you might want to know about the Wal-Mart foundation’s Community Grant.

You don’t even need to fall into this category; you might simple known of an organization in your community that would benefit from getting a monetary injection.

How would $5,000 help?

There are a multitude of different categories you’ll be able to apply under, not only this, but you can actually put in more than one application for each organization.

You can learn more about how this grant works and what’s needed to qualify through this link –> Wal-Mart foundation’s Community Grant.


9. The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts

If you were able to get a grant for as much as $50,000, then how do you think this money would help you as a single mother?

Do you think it would have an impact on your career that would be life changing?

What about your life in general and the life of your child?

Well if you’re a contemporary arts writer, whether it be one who is just getting started or one who already has a strong foundation, then the Arts Writers Grant might be perfect for you.

The grant is designed for four primary categories of writers, but all of them place an emphasis on contemporary arts.

If all of this seems like something interesting to you, then you can learn more about how to qualify and apply through Arts Writers Grant.


10. Federal Government Pell Grant

If you’re a single mother who is attending college, then you know that grant money isn’t something you simply could use, it’s something you might absolutely require. It can provided you with a needed cushion or even enable you to stay in school in general.

The Pell Grant offered by means of the federal government is the most basic grant out there for virtually all university students. The specific total you’d be able to get is going to be dependent on several factors such as need as well as dependents.

You can use the cash for things such as food, book, housing and more. What makes things even better is you don’t have to worry about paying the cash back.

In order to see if you qualify or how it works, check out –> Pell Grant.


11. Community Action Programs

Sometimes it’s not that you need a grant as single mother, you simply need financial assistance with paying your bills now before things get too out of control.

Maybe you need help with the electricity before it gets shut off.

Maybe you need help with paying the rent due to job loss or some other financial hardship.

There are lots of community action organizations in your area that can help you with utility bills, getting a job and other forms of assistance. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed to use these services.

We know that one of the toughest things about making use of this kind of assistance is simply getting started so we’ve provided a link to help make things easier for you.

Click here to check out this program –> Community Action Organizations


12. Mortgage Assistance Grants

If you’re a single mother who owns a home and for any reason you’re at risk for getting foreclosed on, then you need to seriously look into the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP).

By means of using the program you can get help with your mortgage in a way you never thought possible. The grant is designed for single moms who are having a hard time with bills.

If you qualify, then you can have your mortgage rates lowered to no more than 31% of your income. In a lot of instances you can have your mortgage reduced as much as $1,000. This is the monthly reduction.

If you have questions or think you might qualify for the program, then check out this program.


13. American Dream Down Payment Initiative

Are you a single mom who is trying to purchase a house for the first time?

If you are then you know how intimidating and stressful the process can be. One major stressor is feeling like despite your best efforts the costs associated with getting into your first home are problematic.

Well the American Dream Down Payment Initiative Grant can help you. It helps single mothers as well as other people to pay either one or both of the main costs associated with getting a home for the first time.

This would be the down payment/closing costs. You can use the cash to help with the purchase of a house or a condominium. I


14. Child Care Assistance Program CCAP

One thing that any single mother could benefit from is getting child care assistance.

The program is designed for women with low income that are employed or if they fall under a certain age (18).

In the case of the second this person would have to be in school.

Understand that the money provided is solely for child care and the amount you get is going to be based on the amount that the providers of child care in your area involved with the program bill.

In order to learn more about the program and to see if you qualify, then visit child care assistance.


15. PeaChic Grant

Single mothers or women in general who operate their own business can always benefit from getting grant money in order to help them.

The PeaChic Grant is a program that helps with this and it also grants money to business that focus solely on women.

Understand that the money you can get from this program isn’t going to be very big, but they can be used in order to help you do things to grow.

This can include building a website or even putting some money into marketing to create awareness. If you want to know more about how the program works, then you can visit PeaChic Grant.


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As you have seen from this article, it’s indeed possible and even easy to get a grant as a single mom. This article also revealed 16 of the best sources out there for getting these grants.

But of course make sure you read the rules and guidelines of each of the mentioned sources, to know what and how you should apply.

If you do things right when applying and if you ensure you meet the various guidelines of each of the sources relevant to you, it’s easy to get approved for these grants.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE