As crazy as it sounds, yes, it’s true – you can really get paid to go through haunted houses!

You can even get paid as much as $20,000, just to go through one of the haunted houses in this article!

For someone who loves haunted houses, this can be the best of both worlds – enjoying the thrill of the scare and getting paid at the same time!

This article reveals how it works and some of the best companies that really pay or help you get paid to go through haunted house.


First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

How to Stay in a Haunted House for Money Personal Story

What is the scariest day of the year? No it’s not April 15 when taxes are due. It is the 31st of October or Halloween.

As it relates to finances, the celebration of Halloween is a multi-million dollar industry. These financial figures take into account the purchase of costumes, decorations, pumpkins, and candy.

Additionally, don’t forget the haunted houses. Before the pandemic struck globally in 2020, haunted houses in American made between $300 million and $500 million dollars. That is scary good business.

It was a Saturday afternoon in 1958 and often, for a quarter, a kid could take in an afternoon matinee. The film playing was The Giant Claw.

It was a story about a giant bird that created terror. I watched from the front row of the theatre as this pre-historic creature attacked a plane in mid-air causing the men to parachute for their lives.

To my horror, as one of the men drifted downward, the ugly beast swooped in and, well, you get the idea. I jumped up from my seat and literally ran to the lobby.

An usher, seeing my distress, suggested I go home. I didn’t need to be told twice.

Being scared is scary.


10 Best Companies That Pay You to Stay or Go Through Haunted Houses

A Haunting We Will Go…


1. McKamey Manor

$20,000 is an incredibly scary amount of money and it can be yours.

The catch? Simply go to Summertown, Tennessee and visit a house by the name of McKamey Manor and walk through the house.

Oh, and by the way, this house has been defined as the most terrifying haunted house experience in America.

In fact, the haunted house is so intense and so frightening that there are a number of prerequisites required for an individual to try to earn this $20,000 by experiencing this house of horrors.

Those requirements to take up the challenge include:

  • The individual being 21 years or older
  • Having had a complete sports physical conducted
  • Having an accompanying letter by one’s physician stating that they are physically and mentally cleared to proceed

In addition, a background check is conducted by McKamey Manor and a preliminary screening of the contestants is done over the phone or other social media forums.

Also, the individual must have proof of medical insurance and then sign a 40 page document that talks about waivers, disclaimers, and indemnity issues.

Adding to the intenseness of the experience prior to even setting foot into the Manor is that a film needs to be viewed entitled “and then there were none.”

This film is produced by McKamey Manor and chronicles every contestant who attempted this feat through the years of 2017 and 2019.

The recurring warning of each of the contestants, who by the way have failed, was “you really don’t want to do this.”

So, if you’re up for the challenge and ready to be subjected to sights and sounds of extreme intensity, near blinding situations and piercing strobe lights, this is for you.

Also, if you can handle dampness, situations requiring acute physical activity, brushing contact with a variety of creatures and horrific scenes, then being paid to successfully go through the McKamey Manor haunted house experience awaits.

Click here to check out McKamey Manor


2. Hauntrepreneurs

A haunting attraction with high value entertainment quality that conforms to local building code codes and staying within a haunted house budget is the goal of Hauntrepreneurs.

Additionally, they set up the haunted house by utilizing a storyline for their customers.

Each of the different areas that the attendees enter into within the haunted house is actual scenes from the story that is being related.

Hauntrepreneurs uses the model of a haunted house being the unfolding of a story.

The story begins with the backdrop of the time involved and outlining what the participants in the haunted house experience will encounter.

Each room is devoted to the terrifying experience and is creatively laid out to ensure the safety of all involved as well.

The sight lines are minimized to create the maximum fear dynamic and create the optimum thrill experience for the haunting.

The philosophy of creating a haunted house is that it is basically a construction site that will be built.

Therefore, to manage costs and to engage local businesses, the haunted house construction project is bid out amongst local construction contractors.

When the structure is completed then the team from Hauntrepreneurs arrives and finishes the haunting affects as needed.

Other ways of getting paid doing unusual activities:


3. Unit 70

Unit 70 is a supplier of monsters, demon possessed little girls, evil nuns, etc.

These animated and mechanized products are offered for sale to individuals and businesses that are in need of the appropriate horrifying and scary creations.

This company is very artistic as they create mock bodies made from polyurethane foam and covered with real looking latex skins.

They provide products that can be categorized into three separate product areas. Those product areas include flat backs, animations and statics.

In addition to providing these terrifying and horrifying products to businesses and companies they also are a supplier to haunted houses.

Added to their ingenuity is the development of new fire retardant foam.

This is extremely helpful as haunted houses are required to be inspected by the local fire department to ensure the safety of the operators of the haunted house as well as the customers that file through for their terrifying experience.

Click here to check out Unit 70


4. Blacklight Attractions

This company boasts of working business relationships with various amusement parks in America.

Some of those amusement parks include Six Flags, Sea World, Cedar Point, Kennywood, Tampa Bay Busch Gardens, etc.

Blacklight Attractions devilishly creates various haunted houses and installs them all over the world.

The designs of these haunted houses are through the utilizing of a maze structure and are specifically designed for any available space that will be utilized as a haunted house.

They are modular in construction and subsequently are easy to set up and then take down.

Additionally, they are constructed so that a limited storage space is needed because of the uniqueness of their design.

As part of the haunted house maze there are “scare containers” for terrifying actors to emerge from.

They have been in the business for 35 years.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

Click here to check out Blacklight Attractions


5. Boneyard Productions

This haunted house production Internet site boldly declares that “If were not working for you…Your house isn’t haunted!”

With customers around the world, this site meets all of the haunted house needs and more for those wishing to open a haunted house to the public.

This company not only provides the design necessary to scare individuals but also brings the construction expertise in the building of the haunted house.

Their staff consists of designers, engineers and cutting-edge artists.

Their client base consists of Six Flags, Disney affiliates, casinos and the haunted house event held at Madison Square Garden.

The owner has been in the haunting corridors for over 25 years.

Click here to check out Boneyard Productions


6. Gore Galore

Specializing in providing the needs for haunted houses, Gore Galore has been in business since 1998.

They specialize in the creation of gigantic items for one’s haunted house.

Those gigantic creations include costumes, puppets of gigantic proportion and a service called actormatronics.

This term defines their creation because it utilizes a combination of a horror actor along with animation.

They guarantee that their products are tools and props designed to scare even the strongest willed individuals.

The products that they offer include:

  • Props that are identified with a haunted house
  • Plenty of gore
  • Specially designed horror weapons for the use of the actors
  • Haunted house packages designed to develop a certain theme or scene
  • Halloween appropriate music
  • The most eerie and scary of sound effects

Click here to check out Gore Galore


7. The Horror Dome

In addition to Halloween props, decorations, costumes and masks, Horror Dome services those individuals wishing to set up a haunted house.

They have been in the scare business since 1999.

Some of their unique haunted house props include a Frankenstein type monster in which an automated mad scientists sits straddled on the monster’s shoulders.

From that vantage point the scientist is able to control his creation. Available a variety of ghoulish headstones, a variety of human body parts and other sundry Halloween niceties.

Click here to check out The Horror Dome


Get Paid to Stay in Haunted Houses


8. Halloween Express

Halloween Express is a site that offers a variety of costumes for both adults and children.

Also, the site offers for sale a variety of props and accessories in celebrating this horror filled time of the year.

A variety of props offered include gargoyles, fog machines, witch props, scary creatures, Halloween music and videos, etc.

Costumes range from children’s costumes to adult costumes and also a variety of genres under each of the generic custom categories.

Click here to check out Halloween Express


9. Haunted House Supplies

The owners of this website appeal to their customers and potential customers that they have built and operate their own haunted house.

Therefore, everything that is available on this website has been proven and tested by the owners in a practical way.

The site offers everything that a haunted house could possibly need or want to make the experience as scary as possible for their customers.

Some of those items include the selling of fog machines, fake blood, animation to make the creatures and the vividness of the experience come alive, music that will set the tone of the haunted house experience along with a variety of DVDs designed to help the individual construct their haunted house.

In addition, in keeping with the fire standards required to operate a hothouse, they offer various sizes of fire retardant that can be applied to the various props.

Finally, an actual haunted house is provided in modular form to the customer.

Each of these modules has their own set themes such as dungeon, science fiction or terrifying clowns.

The modular prefabricated designs are meant to be easily built and taken down and stored for the next year’s celebration.

Click here to check out Haunted House Supplies


10. Creepy Collection

This website provides a broad and scary array of items all designed to provide a horrific experience for those going through a website.

Typical Halloween props and Halloween decorations are available as well as other props designed to make the haunted house guest moan and groan with delight and express shrieks of terror.

Props include scary dolls, sinister-looking clowns, blood drenched zombies and a variety of gory props representing various parts of the human anatomy.

This site boasts of close to 99% satisfaction on feedback from customers and returning customers wishing to repeat service with this website.

Founded in 2003 through the eBay Internet site, they eventually branched out into their own webpage and Internet presence.

Also listed are recognitions that they have received.

Specifically in 2009 they received the award for best blood and gore props. This recognition was presented to them during the convention of the National Haunters.

In the following year they were featured in the 13 Hour Magazine and they were selected as the having the best October 31 Halloween products.


How to Stay in a Haunted House for Money FAQs


How Much Do You Get Paid to Work in the Haunted House?

The average pay for an actor and makeup artist involved with a haunted house is $10.88 per hour.

Of course, it may very upon your experience and capability and where the haunted house will be located at.

Additionally, there are other benefits to being associated with an exciting and exhilarating event.

There is the joy factor of watching people get completely scared out of their mind, working with other professionals and being part of something memorable.


What Is the First Step to Building a Haunted House?

The first step to building a haunted house and having a successful experience for all is to develop a budget.

A comprehensive budget will determine the extensiveness of the scary experience, how many animations you may choose, number of staff needed, gory supplies, limbs, etc.

A budget will also reflect the ticket price needed for admission to the event.



Are you ready for the McKamey Haunted House challenge? They have the cash do you have the courage?

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

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Apart from being a seasoned Personal Finance expert who has written for top publications around the world, I bring significant personal financial experience. Long story short... through bad financial choices... I found myself $100,000 plus in debt. I was able to dissolve this indebtedness and regain financial solvency. This financial turn around was accomplished through reading, studying and implementing a financial plan. My financial plan included paying down my debt through budgeting, being cognizant of where my financial resources were being spent, changing my attitude about money and understanding the binding chains of the improper use of credit. Today, and for 10 years, I have been debt free and have invested wisely to enjoy my current retirement. This is allowing me to write to help others make, save and grow money wisely!