You can really get paid to move to Chile!

This article shows you some of the best ways to get paid and even some companies or programs that really pay or help you get paid to move to Chile.



There are many interesting facts about the country of Chile.

Chile is the best place on the face of the planet for stargazing.

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

Also, Chile is the biggest copper producer in the world.

Additionally, no offense to France or California, but most think that the wine produced in Chile is the best in the world.

Also, on a more somber note, the world’s largest earthquake ever recorded, at a magnitude of 9.5 on the Richter scale and lasted for 11 minutes, was near Valdivia.

A fun fact about Chile is that if you were to superimpose this country over the middle portion of the United States of America, the country would extend from Mexico City up to the mid-portion of Canada.

The geographical boundaries of Chile make this the longest and narrowest country in the world.

Even though the country may be the narrowest and longest of countries as it relates to its geographical borders, it is not only long in its size but long in thinking about the future of business in Chile and specifically the city of Santiago.

With all of this in mind let us travel to this unique country and specifically take a look at an inviting opportunity as the country is offering companies a relocation package to move to this country long on thinking as it relates to developing business.


15 Best Programs & Companies to Get Paid to Move to Chile


1. Start-Up Chile

Start-Up Chile launched in 2010 was to facilitate entrepreneurship and improve productivity in the country of Chile.

The program can be classified as an accelerator program.

The practical support of this innovative project was to provide 20 million Chilean pesos or $50,000 to business entrepreneurs to bring to the country of Chile startups from different countries around the world.

The money was provided as seed capital and was equity-free.

In addition, to the awarding of the money, the entrepreneurs were granted a one-year visa to develop their projects for six months.

The goal of this plan of action was to turn the country of Chile into an entrepreneurial hub for Latin America by encouraging the brightest and most forward-thinking entrepreneurs to transfer their startups to Chile.

The number of startups that the country of Chile wishes to attract through its Start-up Chile initiative is between 40 and 50 each year.

Additionally, the typical barriers of national boundaries and gender favoritism are neutralized through this program.

The commitment of Start-up Chile is that at least 50% of the startups that are relocated to Chile are led by female leaders or founders.

There are three components or programs to the strategy.

Those programs are Build, Ignite, and Growth.


2. Build

The Team Leader

To get paid to move to Chile with your startup company, the first aspect of the program is Build.

With this thrust the criteria include the team leader being

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Exclusive dedication to the startup
  • The leader must settle in Chile for a minimum of five months or through the duration of the program
  • Once the application has been made the team leader cannot be changed


The Company 

As it relates to the company some criteria also need to be followed and established:

  • The company must be tech-based
  • Created 12 months before the application was submitted



If the entrepreneurial startup company, in operation for a minimum of one year before making an application, is awarded the monetary investment, the company must remain in Chile until the extension money has been disbursed.

Estimates indicate that this timeframe is typically three months in duration.

This component of the program has a goal of offering 40 to 50 startups and providing funding at $13,000.


3. Ignite

The Startup 

The second phase of the program is four months.

For this particular aspect of the program, it is the objective of the Start-up Chile leadership to award 30 to 40 startups with seed money. This money would be equity-free and have also the possibility of an extension.

The startup must have at least a functional product or service that they provide.

The company must have been created at the most three years before the applications are accepted.

The funding for this aspect of the program is $32,000.



Start-up Chile is looking for companies that are driven by teams although an individual proprietor or the sole founder can make an application.


Team Leader 

The team leader must be the founder and have an ownership stake in the company of at least 10% or more.

Also, the team leader needs to reside in Chile throughout the program or until the entire grant has been spent.

The team leader, once selected, cannot be changed after the application has been completed.



As it relates to the team leader residing in Chile throughout the award.

On average, the spending of the money is generally accomplished within five months.

Also, if an extension is granted, the team leader needs to further extend in the country of Chile until that extension money, or typically seven months later has been expended.


4. Growth


The third stage of the program offered by Start-up Chile is the growth stage.

This is an eight-month program, and the program is looking to offer 15 to 18 startups this opportunity.

In addition to equity-free funding, the incentive would be $97,000.

The anticipation of these startups, as it relates to revenue, would be the selling of their product for $100,000.


The Team Leader 

The team leader must have at least 10% of equity invested in the business.

Additionally, the leader must be exclusively dedicated to the program and the company.

Also, the commitment of the team leader must be that the individual would reside in Chile for the program.



Other individuals associated with the startup company or the partners or founders that are based in another country must use Chile as a platform to continue the growth process.


5. The Start-Up Chile Program 

The major contributor to Star-tup Chile is the Chilean government.

In addition to the provision of free visas to selected entrepreneurs, the government has provided seed capital for $40,000 for each accepted participant.


Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

6. Agrosuper 

Agrosuper is a Chilean-based company that has partnered with Start-up Chile.

They are an integral part of the application process in deciding who is accepted to be part of the program.


7. AWS 

AWS or Amazon Web Services realizes the importance of innovative entrepreneurship and supports the Start-up Chile initiative.

As part of their support, they help entrepreneurs learn about the basics of connecting, working with other founders, and finding the appropriate resources to start, build, and expand their entrepreneurial startup.

Another added benefit derived from the partnership with AWS is that they work with the entrepreneurs of Start-up Chile in helping with legal processes, accounting, design, marketing, and hiring.


8. BCI 

BCI is a financial institution that realizes the importance of not only entrepreneurs, but the value of technology as emphasized with startups.

They assist the program and the entrepreneurs with connecting their startups with other businesses and working towards collaboration.

Their commitment is to mitigate the difficulty that most startups encounter with that difficulty being corporate relationships.

BCI is a corporate accelerator that teams with Start-up Chile in identifying some of the best startup teams.


9. Johnson & Johnson 

Johnson & Johnson is a leading manufacturer of health and beauty products and has been supporting Start-up Chile.

Not only in supporting Start-up Chile but hope to take advantage of the talent that comes to light and utilize their expertise and technology such as data analytics, blockchain, and connected devices with the Johnson and Johnson company.

This company also has a history of investing in 20% of the companies that have graduated from a variety of programs.

Johnson & Johnson also has a corporate venture capital dimension that can offer potential venture capital to start-up companies in which there may be a good partnership and development.


10. Microsoft 

The support that Microsoft renders to Start-up Chile is to make available their technology and various software programs to the innovative and creative individuals comprising this accelerator program.

Also, Microsoft is a key part of the didactic aspect of the training as it relates to providing presentations and seminars.


11. YouNoodle

One of the significant stakeholders of Start-up Chile isYouNoodle.

This company is headquartered in San Francisco but also has an office in Santiago.

In addition to their support, they are part of the application process and helped to determine which applications would be accepted as the entrepreneurs in the program.


12. Walmart 

Walmart of Chile has teamed up with Start-up Chile to provide support for this initiative.

Walmart of Chile purchased a startup by the name of Babytuto.

This was a Chilean e-commerce service that provided baby products and toys that was founded in 2013.

As a part of the emphasis on the female gender, this particular e-commerce site was showcased in Chile in 2018 and was recognized for its success in the business sector.


13. Hub Spot 

Hub Spot comprises part of a team of instructors and teachers that present a variety of topics to the members of Start-up Chile.

Their focus is helping these startup companies to be more informed about adapting to business on the world stage platform.

Some of the topics that they expound on include marketing, business development, learning the principles of inbound marketing, sales, and service.

Hub Spot for startups is a specific program designed to help startups that are in the initial seed-stage and help them to grow through marketing, sales software, and education.

Hub Spot is a cloud-based CRM that is specifically created to help marketing teams align the goals as it relates to sales and boost their return on investment.


14. Corporate Networking 

As part of the Start-up Chile commitment to the accepted startups to this program is 80 significant networks of corporate entities.

This support is from a variety of industries and represents a broad spectrum of companies within the country of Chile.

These companies have demonstrated proven support to previous startups from past years of the program and have indicated their commitment to continue to do so.


15. Other 

Although not specifically tied to any individual company as far as receiving support for this program, there are several financial advantages as well as other “perks.”

Taking advantage of Start-up Chile does not require giving up any shares of your company as it relates to receiving investment capital.

Also, there is space that is provided at no charge to companies paid for in the heart of Santiago.

Also, available to relocating companies, who are accepted into the program, are support services such as legal, hiring, accounting, design, and more.

Other investors or representatives of venture capital funds have been recruited to help the relocating company to attain success.


Personal Story

There are many major decisions that we make in our lives.

Some of those life-changing decisions include marriage, having children, schooling, etc.

These major decisions are also made as it relates to our choice of occupations or whether we choose to start our own business.

After two months of unemployment, I finally had an offer to travel to interview for a new job.

As fate would have it, I received another offer on just about the same day.

Both potential opportunities required moving to another state and so I began the process of going through both open doors and interviewing for jobs.

Surprisingly, both made offers and so it came down to making a list and weighing all of the pros and cons associated with the two.

You know how the comparison list goes.

The factors to be weighed include salary, benefits, location, the opportunity for advancement, responsibility, comfort with immediate supervisor, etc.

All that being said it is more than just the money that helps us to make informed and objective decisions.

Check out the following articles for more places that pay you to move:


Make Money Moving to Chile FAQs


How Many Startup Companies Are Located in Chile in the Software and Data Sector?

As of 2021, Chile was home to 105 startup companies.


What is the Purpose of Start-up Chile.

The focus or purpose of Start-up Chile is to compete on the world stage with the other innovative nations around the world.

In particular, they want to compete with Silicon Valley which is known as the gold standard as it relates to innovation and technology startup companies.

Chile wants to be known as Chilecon Valley.


You Can Do It

Opportunity, or so it would seem, is always knocking.

Perhaps we just need to go through the open door and weigh out all of the possibilities and decide what is best for us based on our present situation, our plans, and our goals for the future.



Many geographical locations and countries are seeing the ever-increasing need and demand for business to be conducted through technology.

Therefore, to ensure that they are attracting the brightest and most qualified  individuals, they are investing significant dollars to secure their economic future.

Start-up Chile is one of those forward-thinking initiatives.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

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Apart from being a seasoned Personal Finance expert who has written for top publications around the world, I bring significant personal financial experience. Long story short... through bad financial choices... I found myself $100,000 plus in debt. I was able to dissolve this indebtedness and regain financial solvency. This financial turn around was accomplished through reading, studying and implementing a financial plan. My financial plan included paying down my debt through budgeting, being cognizant of where my financial resources were being spent, changing my attitude about money and understanding the binding chains of the improper use of credit. Today, and for 10 years, I have been debt free and have invested wisely to enjoy my current retirement. This is allowing me to write to help others make, save and grow money wisely!