This article reveals exactly how and where to get buy now pay later laptops as well as some very powerful tips to help you get great deals.


Why Look for Buy Now Pay Later Laptops?

Murphy’s Law states that if anything can go wrong, it will.

Just as sure as the law of gravity so is Murphy’s Law when it comes to events in our lives.

Additionally, Murphy’s Law is in full display when the refrigerator breaks, the dishwasher goes on the blink, or the car breaks down at the most inopportune times.

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

Adding insult to injury is that when these events occur, we don’t have the financial resources for repair or replacement.

Another way that Murphy’s Law can be demonstrated is when we are using technology and specifically our laptop computers.

We might be in the middle of something very important when all of a sudden that hard drive may become corrupt, the motherboard may become inoperable, or the laptop just has run its course.

What is an individual to do if they need to replace a laptop and don’t have the financial resources?

Well, the American way is to buy a replacement outright or buy and make payments.

Therefore, let us look at some sites that will provide the option of getting a laptop now and paying later.


Personal Story

As I write this article, I am working on a laptop that is on borrowed time.

Two years ago, we had some guests staying at our home and somehow the laptop in the guest room was damaged and created a dreaded message on the screen that it couldn’t find the hard drive or some sort of deadly message.

After our guests left, being the frugal or stupid person that I am, I decided to see if I could correct the mistake.

I pried open the hard drive and found that the stylus had been stuck into the middle position of the disc.

I was able to work the stylus back to the beginning of the drive and resealed the drive.

Well, fortune either favors the bold or it pities the stupid.

In either case, here I am writing on this same laptop.


10 Best Sources for Buy Now Pay Later Laptops


1. Curacao 

Availability of laptops now and paying later is a process available with this website.

You would have to apply for a Caracao Credit Card and this can be accomplished through their website with an approval decision made in moments.

Upon approval, you are given a credit limit.

You are billed monthly and outstanding balances are subject to an APR.

Click here to check out Curacao


2. The Shopping Channel

The shopping channel is a virtual online store that carries a variety of products.

They are a prominent part of the cable network and often promote various sales on a variety of items and offer discounts during certain promotions.

This site will pull your credit report, but it is labeled as a soft pull to see if the individual is qualified for their payment program.

If accepted, the shopping channel utilizes a repayment plan similar to most credit card companies.

Click here to check out The Shopping Channel


3. Luther Sales 

To utilize this website to get a computer now and pay later requires that the customer open a credit account with them.

Luther sales will require that your credit report be pulled to determine your eligibility for their buy now pay later opportunity.

The good news is that even if your credit is bad, you may still qualify to take advantage of this program by making a down payment.

Click here to check out Luther Sales


4. Purchasing Power 

This site, although does not have an extensive inventory, does offer furniture, electronics, and appliances.

The caveat to utilizing this site to acquire a laptop now and pay later is an agreement that you set up with your employer.

To ensure payment, direct payment is made from your paycheck to this online company.

This site is different from the majority of other sites in that there is no interest charged and a credit report is not obtained.

Click here to check out Purchasing Power


5. Fingerhut 

An account needs to be applied for with this website to buy now and pay later.

To determine the customer’s eligibility Fingerhut will pull your credit report.

If you do not qualify for an account, the system is set up to determine whether an installment loan process can be utilized instead.

It is important to know that the APR for purchases with this website is 29.99%.

Click here to check out Fingerhut



An account with this website needs to be pursued to get a laptop now and pay later; the maximum amount that you can be assigned for purchases is up to $1,000.

To determine whether an individual is qualified to open an account, Stoneberry does pull your credit report.

Click here to check out StoneBerry


7. Wards 

Amazingly, Montgomery Wards are still around and have a presence on the web.

A credit account needs to be applied for and your credit report is pulled by Wards.

Upon approval and any purchases made on this website will resemble statements received similar to what one may already be experiencing with their credit cards.

Wards offer a vast array of various products including laptop computers.

Click here to check out Wards



QVC is another cable shopping network and offers a variety of products including electronics.

QVC labels their “buy now pay later” as “easy pay.”

To take advantage of this purchasing option, an application to QVC for a credit account needs to be made.

Also, this site will pull your credit report to determine your credit standing.

Before checking out, you can set your monthly payments on any product that you choose to purchase.

Full disclosure is provided as one can see the maximum number of payments that will be required before it is added to your cart.

These payments are interest-free.

Click here to check out QVC



9. Klarna 

The use of Klarna involves the downloading of an app on your smartphone.

Within the app are a variety of categories of which one is electronics.

By selecting this category, you can shop from stores that are pre-approved.

Stores available carry brand names like BOSE, Lenovo, SONOS, Game Stop, etc.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

You can shop or browse in this category and when you arrive at the checkout process you select Klarna as your payment method.

This app requires that you apply for a credit account, and this results in the pulling of your credit report.

This pulling is labeled as a soft pull and doesn’t reflect as an inquiry.

If approved, there are two options available to you as a customer.

If you pay within 30 days, there is no interest whereas a 6 to 36-month payback plan requires the charging of an interest rate.

Click here to check out Klarna


10. Tech for Less 

As the name implies, this website specializes in everything technology-driven and the selling of electronic products.

If you choose this website to purchase your laptop, you will need to indicate on the checkout screen your payment option affiliated offered with this site.

This particular website offers not only new technology devices but also open boxes and refurbished items.

Click here to check out Tech for Less


10 Best Tips to Help You Get Buy Now Pay Later Laptops


1. Timing

When it comes to buying anything, timing is always important.

The same can be said to be true when considering the purchasing of a laptop even if it is to buy now and pay later.

The best time to buy a laptop is during the holiday seasons when electronic stores and online companies offer laptops at deep discounts to help their holiday sales.

Therefore, if an individual does need that laptop immediately, it is best to wait to buy a laptop, even on a later payment basis, to coincide with these time frames.


2. Know What You Want 

Because you need a laptop and don’t have the financial resources to purchase one outright does not mean that you should settle for a laptop that will not meet your needs.

Therefore, it is important to know what you want and try to find the best deal for that laptop which includes all of the features that you need.

Some of those features could include pre-loaded software, a gaming laptop, a laptop with the appropriate memory, etc.


3. Shop Around 

In knowing what laptop you want, it is important to do price comparison shopping.

Even with those sites that offer you the laptop now and pay later, it is important to research each of the sites to get the best deal available.


4. Is It Right for You? 

If an individual needs to purchase a laptop and pay later, perhaps it may prove to be more prudent to delay that purchase and make do with the laptop that the individual has.

Or make arrangements to find a machine that they can use until a better financial time in the future.

Often, not meant to be preaching, we become compulsive and spontaneous buyers, and when we want something, we want it now.

Perhaps, the situation calls for a little financial and self-discipline and to delay that purchase at least for a small period to show yourself and your finances who is in control.


5. Credit Check? 

It is important to remember that any items bought on time or that are financed generally require the providing company to pull one’s credit report to see if they have a good credit history.

The purpose of pulling a credit report is to see how the individual handles credit and whether they have been faithful in paying their debts.

The other aspect of having your credit card pulled is that this becomes an inquiry on your credit report which will shave a few points off of your existing credit score.


6. Best APR 

If shopping for a laptop now and paying later, it is important to remember that the company will want something in return for providing this opportunity to you.

Generally, in addition to paying for the item, in this case, a laptop to be purchased, any terms extended to pay for the laptop later will be reflected in what is called the APR or annual percentage rate.

It is important to shop for a company that will offer the lowest APR possible.

This APR continues to be assessed as long as there is an outstanding balance on the amount owed to the company.


7. Library 

Although not an optimum way of utilizing a laptop, there are several ways of utilizing a computer without purchasing a laptop or deferring the purchase of a laptop.

For example, many libraries have a computer bank in which the member can sit down at one of these computers and do their needed work.

Also, if you are a student, it is important to remember that many schools have computers that may be accessible to you as a student.


8. Refurbished Laptop

Many companies, in addition to offering new computers, also offer refurbished computers.

These refurbished computers may have been shipped to another customer and for whatever reason; the customer has returned that computer.

The computer is still in good working order but needs to be classified as refurbished if it is offered for resale.

It may have a few nicks or dents but if these imperfections can be overlooked it will lead to the computer being discounted financially.

If you go this road of refurbishment, it is important not to buy a laptop that is marketed as “as is.”

It is important to make sure that there is a warranty involved with the purchase.


9. Borrow a Laptop 

To get you through a difficult time due to an uncooperating laptop, perhaps you could borrow a laptop from a friend.

There are a variety of ways that he or she can set you up as a separate user and restrict access to their side of the hard drive.


10. Buy From a Friend

For a discounted price you may be able to purchase a laptop from a friend.

Perhaps that friend has a laptop that has seen little use due to his or her use of other technology devices such as a tablet, or their smartphone, or PC.

Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt to ask around and see if anybody wants to sell their laptop.

It is easy to wipe the drive clean.

To learn more about wiping clean a hard drive click here.

Other Interesting and Related Articles To Consider:


Buy Now Pay Later Laptops FAQs


If I Have to Buy a Laptop What Is the Best Financial Option Available?

The best option to take advantage of if you do not have the current resources to buy a laptop outright is to look for promotional offers in which a laptop can be purchased with no interest charged over a certain period.

You would still make the payments on that laptop but once the fulfillment of those payments is made within the designated time frame, there is no interest charged to the individual.


What Is a Lease-to-own Financing Option?

If an individual has less than a good credit rating, an option to secure a laptop would be a lease-to-own financing solution.

Generally, the creditor utilizes different resources to determine the creditworthiness of an individual.

With this option, no credit check is performed but approval is based on whether the individual is employed and their banking history.

The standard agreement for lease to own is 12 months and at the end of 90 days, the customer has the option at that point to purchase the laptop.

Also, if a customer wishes to purchase the laptop before the 90 days there may be a discount given off of the remaining lease amount.

The weekly lease amount can range anywhere from $34 and upwards a week and is dependent upon what computer is leased.

Also, the customer has an option of paying weekly every two weeks, twice a month, or monthly.


You Can Do It

There is more than one way to skin a laptop.

The important thing is that you can do it and explore many options and determine what is the best option for you and your given current situation?



Everything has a shelf life.

Sometimes we are blessed if that shelf life is extended and inconvenienced if it runs its course after the warranty expires.

Fortunately, there are solutions to our problem even if we don’t have the immediate resources to purchase and replace needed items.

Fortune sometimes even favors the impoverished.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

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Apart from being a seasoned Personal Finance expert who has written for top publications around the world, I bring significant personal financial experience. Long story short... through bad financial choices... I found myself $100,000 plus in debt. I was able to dissolve this indebtedness and regain financial solvency. This financial turn around was accomplished through reading, studying and implementing a financial plan. My financial plan included paying down my debt through budgeting, being cognizant of where my financial resources were being spent, changing my attitude about money and understanding the binding chains of the improper use of credit. Today, and for 10 years, I have been debt free and have invested wisely to enjoy my current retirement. This is allowing me to write to help others make, save and grow money wisely!