If you want to know some of the really awesome business ideas you can make money with as a lawyer, this article will really help.

It reveals 25 best business ideas for software engineers to make money.

It also reveals some awesome tips to help.



It seems at one point or another an individual or a profession is the brunt of jokes.

First, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

These jokes are sometimes directed at certain individuals who have different types of hair including no hair or the color of their hair, sometimes the jokes are ethnic jokes, and sometimes there are jokes that are told at the expense of a profession.

A few years back a number of “lawyer jokes” were told that poked fun at this profession and the number of lawyers that seemed to be practicing.

We may have laughed at these jokes, but the reality is if the occasion arises that you need legal representation, then the joking stops and you are glad that you have a lawyer to represent you.

As it relates to representation, a lawyer is critical in the courtroom.

One of the greatest lawyers and historical figures in United States history, Abraham Lincoln, is quoted as saying “a man who is own lawyer has a fool for a client.”

The bottom line is that being an attorney-at-law is a noble profession and helps many individuals in staying clear of both the law as well as defending their client’s interests when accused of wrongdoing.

Opening the doors of the courtroom, let us look at ways that lawyers can make money through a variety of business ideas.


Personal Story

I always remember my dad’s advice was to stay away from certain professions because involvement with them meant that there may be difficulty in your life.

One of the professions to stay clear of was lawyers.

Try as I might, because of my own doing, I have been a client of a lawyer on two separate occasions.

Neither instance was a happy occurrence and one that I would not want to repeat.

On the other hand, interaction with a lawyer is not always a bad thing.

Recently I was involved in a web conferencing call that took place in a courtroom setting and involved a judge, a witness for family services with the state, a family law lawyer, and my son and his wife.

The court proceeding revolved around my son and his wife’s request for the court to grant the adoption of one of the children that they were caring for in a foster care program.

It was a very pleasurable, heartwarming, and momentous occasion and when concluded, all involved sang a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday to You” to my son.


25 Best Business Ideas for Lawyers to Make Money


1. Consulting

A business idea that may be a significant option for a lawyer to be involved with is through the provision of legal consultation.

This business advises and offers legal counsel as it relates to smaller businesses that do not have the budget to have oversight provided by an in-house team of lawyers.

A lawyer involved in consulting work will advise smaller businesses and review potential business matters such as reviewing the employee manual, ensuring practices and policies are in compliance with government standards, etc.

Often a small business will provide their documentation, and ask the lawyer to review and make any legal adjustments.


2. Blogging

An informational, inspirational, and educational way of connecting with readers and earning money is through the creation of a blog.

The log can be entertaining as you can relate to your follower’s various court cases that may have had interesting twists or outcomes or you can share your litigation perspective and provide insight to your peers.

Also, perhaps you could advise those who subscribe to your blog with general legal advice as it relates to any other situations.

You can monetize your blog through affiliate advertising, perhaps a law firm sponsorship, or through the support from your followers.


3. Freelance Writing

As it relates to writing, there are other opportunities that a lawyer can be involved with regard to freelance writing.

As a freelancer, you can work with a variety of companies and put together various legal documents for business firms and individuals.

Also, because of your legal training and analytical mind, the formulating of your logical writing style could be of interest to various other blogs that would employ you as a writer.

Additionally, there are a variety of law publications and magazines that need good writers as it pertains to analyzing the law.

Two such freelancing websites include www.upwork.com and www.freelancer.com.


4. Agent Service

The business of agent service entails the representation of celebrities, athletes, etc. and assisting these individuals as it relates to potential contracts and avoiding various pitfalls or legal issues.

The charge to you as an attorney for these individuals will be to address any potential legal issues that they are experiencing or might arise so that they can simply concentrate on their careers and success.


5. Author

There have been many authors who have used their legal profession and training to pen a variety of books, especially in the murder/mystery genre.

As an attorney, your command of legal situations and potential twists and turns as it relates to solving a “whodunit” may serve you well in authoring a book.

If you have a great idea, you can approach a number of publishers and “pitch” your story to see if this is something that they will commission you to write or you can publish on your own.

One of those websites that you can look at in pursuing your own publishing would be www.kdp.amazon.com.


6. Public Speaking

Many lawyers, because of their professional needs, have a great presence and command in the courtroom.

Why not take this experience and confidence in your speaking and organization skills to a public level.

Many associations, in the local community and nationwide, look for interesting speakers and certainly, your oratory coupled with your courtroom experience could be in great demand as a public speaker.


7. Career Coach

As an experienced attorney, you can offer this experience and insight as a coach to individuals who are considering the profession of attorney-at-law or who already are in the process of receiving their education.

Part of your insightful coaching emphasis could be on the challenges facing the legal profession, some of the challenges you may have faced which will provide inspiration to others, and also suggesting a course of action for success.

Potential lectures could be given in various law schools, on career days in school, etc.

You could request payment for your insight or suggest an honorarium.

Related: Top Money Earning Side Hustles for Lawyers.


8. Mediator

Often, when there are legal conflicts between two parties, rather than going through the expensive and time-consuming legal processes, a mediation opportunity may present itself.

As a dispute mediator providing this service your role will be to work towards an agreement between the two parties that are at odds with each other

Being a dispute mediator can be a significant moneymaking business for a lawyer.


9. Marriage Counseling

Another great service or business that you can provide as a lawyer is to be involved in working out differences with marital couples.

Your understanding of marriage as a legal contract can potentially help facilitate some of the issues and help mitigate the high rate of divorce.

Although this is not necessarily a level of expertise that you would bring, what you can bring to the marriage counseling table is the opportunity for individuals to talk, have a neutral individual meditating, and work towards a resolution which is a critical component of your attorney-at-law occupation.


10. Business Registration

A historical number of businesses were inaugurated in recent years due to the pandemic and the need for individuals to work and generate needed income for the household.

As an attorney-at-law and well-versed in business law and regulations, your service of offering businesses helps with the legal process in setting up their appropriate business model would be of great help.

You could advise the company on whether they want to be a sole proprietorship, LLC, etc.

Also, you can provide legal counsel and advisement on registering their business and ensuring that the appropriate permits and licenses are obtained.


11. YouTube

As a lawyer, it seems likely that you would gain a number of interested followers to your YouTube channel.

Your channel could talk about everything legal, explain in layman’s language the various laws of the land, and address certain legal topics.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

Some of those legal topics could include obtaining a patent, will and estates, legal issues involving going sideways as it relates to traffic laws, etc.

With your YouTube channel, you could touch on these subjects broadly and then through a subscription basis, provide more detailed counsel.

Also, you can earn revenue through affiliate advertising or sponsorship from other legal services.


12. Teaching

As an attorney-at-law, you could offer your services to teach law courses at your local university or community college.

You could instruct on specific topics such as law ethics, historical cases, the supreme court, etc.

Your teaching coupled with these fascinating subjects would make for an interesting and popular course.


13. Resume Writer

A side business or business endeavor as a lawyer that would be a good match would be the writing of resumes.

Your experience and education in writing and your involvement with employers would provide quality writing and the best representation of an individual through their resume.


14. Editor

Another business opportunity that can utilize your quality skills in editing legal documents would be the business of being an attorney editor.

The role of the attorney editor would be to read the legal documents being presented, research, and recommend any editing that needs to be accomplished in order to maintain the integrity of the law and protect all parties involved.


15. Your Own Firm

If you are a member of a law firm the natural progression of a business idea to pursue would be the establishment of your own practice.

Of course, it would require an office space to work out of along with support personnel but given your experience and practice of law in your community, your name would be well-known.

You can market your service through your own website, blog, social media platforms, etc.

In addition, you could have a grand opening and invite Chamber of Commerce business members as well as any affiliate associations you are a member of such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Soroptimist, etc.


16. Scopist

You could start a scopist service.

A scopist is an individual who takes the notes from the court reporter and transcribes those audio recordings into a written narrative.

This could be a business in which you work with scopists in your particular area and help them to find writing opportunities and a portion of their earnings coming back to you when employment is taken.


17. Estate Planning Services

A certain segment of practicing law involves the writing of wills and the preparation of the wishes of your client.

As a public service, you could provide estate planning seminars and then offer your business card and contact information to individuals who are interested in pursuing in greater detail the formulation of their estate plan.

You could possibly work with a financial advisor who could talk about retirement income and you as a will and estate lawyer could talk to the attendees about their estates, avoiding probate, the importance of a will, etc.


18. Selling Legal Books

A critical reference library for a lawyer to have is various law textbooks and other items.

These law books and reference materials are needed for lawyers who are practicing and students who are in the process of becoming an attorney.

A business opportunity that would present itself would be the supply of these textbooks offered through your website.


19. Create Your Own Product

When thinking about a business idea the attorney or you as a lawyer does not have to stay in that field of expertise.

Perhaps you have an idea for another product or an item that can make life easier for an individual.

In addition, to practicing law, you can still pursue other avenues of raising money and creating items or providing services that are outside the scope of the courtroom or legal proceedings.


20. Additional Legal Work

Perhaps, at times, a legal firm gets inundated with clients and involved in many cases.

As a lawyer, perhaps there is the opportunity to work as a contractor and help these legal firms out with their additional cases by providing research, working with the client, strategizing as to the defense that will be created for a client, etc.


21. Creating a Course

The possibility of you saying at one time or another that I wish they had taught this in law school may have crossed your mind.

With that thought resonating in your head, you could devise such a course and make it available through a variety of methods and venues.

You could create an e-book or you can offer the class through an online website such as www.teachable.com.


22. Creating an App

It’s almost impossible today to not be involved with a company, financial institution, etc. without the offering of this business to utilize their app.

A possibility then, in keeping with this line of thinking, is the creation of an app that can either help lawyers or help individuals who have legal questions.

The app would be general in terms of providing counsel but could be helpful in getting lawyers or clients to reach out for further assistance or involvement within the legal profession.

If you have the expertise to create such an app that would be a possibility for a business idea or if you partner with a developer.


23. Software

The software that may be used by attorneys at law most likely captures the client’s information and provides an opportunity to keep track of legal proceedings, appointments and scheduling, billing, etc.

Perhaps, the software can be further refined and as such, this would be a business opportunity for you being a lawyer to create a software package that is more comprehensive for the lawyer, staff, and client.


24. Work With Companies

Many companies offer a variety of extra benefits to their employees at a modest fee.

One of those added benefits is the availability of legal counseling and services.

For example, if an employee and their spouse wanted to draw up a will, they could take advantage of this added perk and pay the minimum fee to take advantage of this service for a year.

Some of the services that you as a lawyer could contract with the company to perform would be legal counsel, estate planning, contract review, etc.

You would receive the annual fee paid by the employee as well as additional charges to cover specific costs and fees associated with the variety of legal services offered.


25. Comedian

Because there are so many lawyer jokes and perhaps you have a great sense of humor, then maybe being a comedian would be a good side business.

You could make fun of your own profession in a lighthearted manner to the delight of the audience.


Money Earning Business Ideas for Lawyers FAQs


How Many Different Types of Law Practice Are There?

There are 8 basic types of law.

Those different types include:

  • Maritime Law
  • Bankruptcy Law
  • Business or Corporate Law
  • Civil Rights Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Entertainment Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Family Law


What is the Career Path to Becoming a Lawyer?

To become a lawyer involves graduating from college with a bachelor’s degree.

Following the successful completion of this achievement, an individual needs to take a law school entrance exam.

Upon successful completion of this exam with an appropriate score, the individual then can enroll in a law school and focus on one particular aspect of the study of law.

Upon completion and at this point, you then need to take the bar exam offered by the American Bar Association.

Once this step has been completed you are then eligible to practice law.

Other Interesting Articles To Consider:


You Can Do It

Being an attorney-at-law provides you with a number of profession-related business opportunities as well as opportunities to take a lighthearted look and utilize self-deprecating humor as it relates to your profession.

Although, at times, disparaging comments and remarks made be made about the profession of a lawyer, in the event that one is facing legal action, it is important to have capable counsel at one’s side.



Being an attorney is a noble profession.

The only reality of foolishness as it relates to the law, court system, and presence of lawyers is if the individual chooses to defend themselves, and then both they and their lawyer are foolish.

Choosing to start a related or non-related business as a lawyer is a good financial move and one that will present a significant number of opportunities.

Again, this company has paid $25+ million to members:

SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

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Apart from being a seasoned Personal Finance expert who has written for top publications around the world, I bring significant personal financial experience. Long story short... through bad financial choices... I found myself $100,000 plus in debt. I was able to dissolve this indebtedness and regain financial solvency. This financial turn around was accomplished through reading, studying and implementing a financial plan. My financial plan included paying down my debt through budgeting, being cognizant of where my financial resources were being spent, changing my attitude about money and understanding the binding chains of the improper use of credit. Today, and for 10 years, I have been debt free and have invested wisely to enjoy my current retirement. This is allowing me to write to help others make, save and grow money wisely!