This article contains a list of the 25 very best books for saving money that will really help you, even if you haven’t had success saving money in the past.


Table of Contents


For many, an enjoyable way to use spare time is by reading a good book.

It would be difficult to match the suspense factor of reading a good murder mystery novel, enjoy an emotional romance narrative, improving one’s outlook on themselves in life by picking up a self-help book, etc.

As an avid reader it would be hard to match what a quality book can bring to your life with a variety of genres that can match the mood that you may be in.

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Another genre that is very popular is in the area of personal finance and specifically learning from others and their experience on how to save money.

Let us therefore go to the personal financial section of our favorite bookstore or online retailer that we get our books from and browse the books that are available and specifically look at 25 best books for saving money.


25 Best Selling Books for Saving Money


1. The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley

This book is a follow-up to “The Millionaire Next Door.”

With the Millionaire Mind” the author delves into individuals that are defined as wealthy by taking a look at their thinking, their ideas, and the routine financial practices that they are disciplined in keeping.

A synopsis of the book is a basic formula in which individuals do not spend on high ticket items, make do with what they have, and carry no credit balances.

Click here to check out this book on Amazon and Wikipedia.


2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This book is a classic and has been able to help many people for over 85 years.

The content of the book is a study of individuals who had gathered significant riches in their lives.

The book shares those observations of the rules and habits of the wealthy that were observed.

To help the reader there are laws of giving that reflect 16 powerful habits and 14 dynamic financial principles under the heading of a “Philosophy of Achievement.”

Click here to check out this book on Amazon


3. I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

Ramit Sethi, the author, offers a promise to the reader to significantly alter their financial lifestyle by committing to a six- week timeframe.

His writing is a step-by-step instruction manual for the reader to learn the principles of obtaining wealth.

These principles are basic and simple and yet profound and life changing.

Some of the topics included in his writing include:

  • Intentional spending
  • Taking advantage of credit card perks but not getting caught in their credit card trap,
  • Budgeting
  • Teaching about investment strategies that are solid
  • Etc.

This book is designed specifically for those individuals in their 20s and 30s.

However, the narrative can be learned by all.

Click here to check out this book on Amazon


4. How to Be a No-Limit Person by Wayne W. Dyer

Wayne W. Dyer is a self-improvement guru.

His challenge to the reader is to answer the question of what possibilities would you embrace if you knew that there were no limitations on what you can achieve?

In essence, Dyer speaks directly to your mind and heart and says that your success or being held back is all up to you whether you claim or abdicate your power.

Although it is a self-help improvement book, the practical teachings relate to all areas of your life including our personal finances.


5. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

Published in 1949, the intelligent investor by Benjamin Graham offers to the reader a variety of investment strategies as it relates to entering the stock market.

Although written many years ago, the principles and strategy are timeless.

Added to the impact that the book can bring into your financial life are endorsements in which many wealthy investors write glowing reviews and offer testimonies as to the impact of the strategy as it is proven to be beneficial in their lives.


6. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This book by Dale Carnegie is another timeless classic.

His basic teaching is about the importance of building relationships.

These relationships are both on a personal level as well as our business interactions.

This focus is on the importance of communication and the use of persuasiveness to draw people over to your way of thinking and your philosophy.

He quickly adds that this can be accomplished without being offensive or obnoxious or stirring up any resentment.

The primary teaching is to get people to like you and before you criticize others you need to use that same judgment on you self.

The idea of saving money comes into play as through these techniques and offers your occupation or business you’re involved in will grow, therefore increased money will be realized with that additional money available for your savings.


7. Conscious Business by Fred Kofman

Conscious Business is about developing a zest for living.

This passion can not only be demonstrated in your personal life but will also spill over into your business and occupational dealings.

This passion will be contagious which in turn will advance you in your business and employment relationships.

Subsequently you will realize more money and therefore resources to place into savings and investments.


8. How to Be Rich by J. Paul Getty

Written not as a “to do” list of how to obtain wealth but as a discussion and revelation on the importance of one’s thinking and character.

The author highlights three different types of businesspeople.

He also talks about the importance of learning from failed attempts.

The book title and the author (one of the most famous tycoons) is an intriguing book on how to be rich and save money.

Part of the teaching of this book is analyzing different types of businesspeople and taking a look in the mirror to determine your thinking and deeply looking into your character.

It is also a book that talks about the importance of failure and learning from those experiences.


9. MONEY Master the Game by Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is a modern-day self-help teacher that, through his powerful seminars and books, has revolutionized the lives of many.

In this book he interviews 50 noted experts in finance.

He then takes the material through these interviews and puts together his research and offers to the reader a financial plan for success that involves seven dynamic steps.

The ultimate goal of this book and by Tony Robbins is to lift the eyes of the reader to success, educate them, and inspire them to be all that they can be as it relates to gaining and continuing on through financial freedom.


10. The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

This book is part of the best-selling list.

The content of this book consists of hundreds of people that accumulated wealth and that are interviewed extensively by the author.

When all the information is broken down that has been accumulated through the interview process one commonality rises to the top.

That common denominator was how these individuals accumulated their wealth.

Their wealth was not accumulated by striking it rich with the lottery, being successful CEOs, manufacturing a life changing product for customers, etc.

The simple success that was experienced by these wealthy people was the reality that they lived below their means.

In living below their means, they therefore had money that they could save, invest, and eventually hit that number with at least 6 zeros behind the one.


11. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Robert T. Kiyosaki talks about his two dads.

One dad was his biological father who worked as a civil servant and earned a wage as an employee.

The other dad was a rich dad due to his being a successful businessman and investor.

The book is an eye-opener and includes practical and sound advice as well as various illustrations.

One of the illustrations that captures the teaching of Kiyosaki is the investor quadrant.

The quadrant explains different ways of earning money which include:

  • Employee
  • Self-Employed
  • Business Owner
  • Investing

The saving money component comes into play through the maximum earning of money and investing.

Check out the following related articles for more helpful books:


12. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

This book emphasizes the three-step path on how to obtain greater wealth.

Those three steps are:

  • Learning how to keep your money
  • Investing
  • Be aware of opportunities

Other topics addressed in the book include being thrifty with your money, the importance of financial planning, and your own personal road to gaining wealth.


13. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind removes the veil of millionaires and reveal to the reader how a millionaire thinks.

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The book is divided into two sections with part one being about financial planning and the second part of the book deals with the mind of the millionaire.

According to the author the mind of the millionaire is different than the average individual as it relates to their thinking about money, their behaviors or actions with money and what ultimately brings to them the accumulation of wealth.

This is a good book about saving money because it shows the successful thinking of those that have achieved this goal,


14. Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin

Saving money can be fully realized if we appreciate and understand how money is attained in our life.

So is the premise of the author, Vicki Robin, as in this book, Your Money Or Your Life, she reveals that the attaining of money occurs when our life energy is spent in exchange for this money and its use.

Therefore, the argument is that we should be more cognizant of how our money.

That intentional use of our money and how it is spent will demonstrate respect for money and our investing habits will be transformed.

Therefore saving money will be our reality.


15. The Millionaire Fast Lane by M. J. DeMarco

The popular notion that it takes a lifetime to accumulate money in your savings is challenged in this book by M.J. DeMarco.

He suggests that there, like a highway, is a fast lane that can be traveled to speed up the process of saving and become a millionaire quicker.

The narrative draws on his own personal testimony of gaining wealth even though he had significant debt that he had accumulated and needed to overcome.

The book is also inspirational as it can provide motivation for an individual to learn from the various obstacles and challenges that they face in life.

The bottom line is that the author encourages you to get into the fast lane towards your financial savings goal knowing that the fast lane requires working hard, determination and making various monetary and financial adjustments as it relates to one’s finances and involvement in the business world.


16. The Bogleheads Guide to Investing by Taylor Larimore, Michael LeBoeuf, and Mel Lindauer

One of the critical actions to save money is through investing.

This book concentrates on teaching the serious individual about investing their hard-earned money

The book is practical in nature on how to maximize returns on your investment over the long-term.

This strategy or process will help to see your wealth accumulate and grow over time.


17. The Financial Diet A Total Beginner’s Guide to Getting Good With Money By Chelsea Fagan

This book is a personal-finance book for people who say they don’t care about their own personal finances.

This book is replete with tools to help you understand your personal finances.

The topics covered include:

  • Making a budget
  • Understanding investments
  • Devising a plan to deal with your credit

The book focuses on being smarter with your money and its research reflects the input from a range of experts to help you make the best choices.

The book is about everything including your clothes, financial relationship habits, food in your kitchen, etc.

Other topics include:

  • Transforming your relationship with money within a year
  • Discussing money
  • Sticking with the budget
  • Managing your household income
  • Investment
  • And so forth


18. The Simple Path to Wealth by J.L. Collins

The foundation of this narrative is by the author who, as a father, sent his daughter personal letters about finances.

His purpose in writing these letters was to teach his daughter about the handling of money and how to accumulate wealth.

Subjects that he discusses with his daughter in these published letters include:

  • Debt,
  • The 4% rule
  • Investing
  • Financial independence

This book is a practical guide to investing and accumulating money in your savings.


19. How to Money Your Ultimate Visual Guide to the Basics of Finance By Jean Chatzky

Jean Chatzky is an award-winning columnist and has her own financial podcast entitled HerMoney.

The focus of this narrative is to learn how to manage your money by delving into the basics of our relationship with money.

Specifically, she addresses money on how to earn it, and manage it.

In this book she provides you with all the tools that you need to take to utilize to take control.

Other specific topics include:

  • Creating a budget
  • First job
  • Student loans
  • Credit cards
  • Investing


20. Broke Millennial Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together by Erin Lowry

This book is specifically written to reach the 20 or 30-year-olds who are overwhelmed by their financials.

The author’s encouragement is to take on a fresh perspective about money and stop scraping by and take control of your finances.

This practical guide helps the millennial to go from flat broke, disengaged, to an engaged and knowledgeable financial savvy individual.

The drama is that the author doesn’t just deal with typical stuff found in a financial book such as credit cards, debt, investing, and budgeting but goes beyond the basics to deep dive into other financial areas.

Some of those deep dive areas include:

  • Understanding your relationship with money
  • Managing student loans
  • Being vulnerable to know what that number is
  • Etc.


21. The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach

The automatic millionaire is a focused story about a couple who are average Americans.

Despite what seemingly is considered a low joint income of $55,000 a year, the story shared with the reader about the couple owning two mortgage-free homes, putting children through school, and ultimately retiring at the age of 55 with $1,000,000 in savings.

Highlighting this couple, the author says that their story can be your story and that their success is an automated process in which the individual pays himself first.


22. How to Manage Your Money When You Don’t Have Any by Eric Wecks

This book is designed for the individual who finds themself living from payday to payday.

The reality for this readership is that they don’t see the sense of setting up a budget or coming up with a financial plan when there is no extra money available.

With a specific plan of action for these individuals the author offers practical advice when it comes to decisions that need to be made on a daily basis and are financial decisions, that if made properly, can create stability and eventually savings for the individual.


23. But First, Save 10 The One Simple Money Move That Will Change Your Life By Sarah Catherine Guitierrez

This book is designed and written to explain common financial terms and provide a simple approach in understanding finances.

The goal of the book is to work towards financial independence and retirement and build those savings on your own terms.

The basic premise is to pay yourself first through automatic payments so that your savings accounts will grow and earn significant investment returns.

The book also talks about creating an emergency fund, paying down debt aggressively, handling credit, and so forth.


24. Simple Wealth The Practical Guide to Transform Your Relationship with Money and Live in Abundance by Holly Morphew

Holly Morphew is an accredited financial advisor who has worked with numerous clients in helping them to:

  • Remove debt
  • Build their savings
  • Reach financial independence
  • Etc.

The book contains personal stories as well as the sharing of practical advice to reach financial independence.


25. Simple Money by Tim Maurer

True to the title, the author simplifies personal finance by demystifying certain jargon that is often thrown about when talking about financial matters on a personal level.

Through his book he offers a plan that the reader can put into play and offers powerful advice in helping the reader to realize that retirement goals can be reached, and that life can be comfortable after retiring.


Personal Story

When I was going through a difficult time financially there were two powerful books that came into my life and revolutionized not only my thinking about finances but practically on how to save more money.

One book was suggested to me by my wife and was entitled Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez.

In this book it equated money into energy and further defined that energy as our life energy that is expended to obtain that money.

The premise of the book is what you spend your money on should be from the perspective of what it takes to earn that money and is that the way that you wish to utilize your life’s energy?

The other book that came into my possession was How To Get Out Of Debt, Stay Out Of Debt, And Live Prosperously by Jerrold Mundis.

This book is practical in nature and gives tips and tricks on debt management and moving out from its burden.

One particular take away that profoundly affected my money management was keeping a daily financial log of what I spent and then at the end of the month total up the expenditures to understand and realize how the money was being spent and ways that money could be put to better the use.

There is no doubt that looks can have a significant impact on our lives, including quality books that can make us stop, think, and take a possible better course of action as it relates to our finances and saving money.


Best Money Saving Books to Read FAQs


What is One of the Best Tips on Saving Money?

One of the best tips on saving money is reflected in the book entitled the Automatic Millionaire in which you automate your money that you save and invest into various financial vehicles.


What is One of the Best Tools That You Can Utilize to Ensure That You Save Money?

One of the best tools that you can utilize to save money is to create a budget.

On the expense side of your budget, when you list all of your expenditures in the household, you should have a line item for savings.

A good rule of thumb is to endeavor to save around 10% of your income.

In addition, when you start paying bills the first bill that you should pay is to yourself in this amount of money that you have budgeted to save.


You Can Do It

Reading is an educational process that can benefit you in so many ways.

You can be inspired, be emotionally engaged, be educationally instructed, and learn practically about so many things.

By selecting an appropriate financial book that will help you to save money, you can, through the instruction of the writer and their insight, make saving money a reality in your own life.



Have you read any good books lately?

On the bookshelves of our libraries, bookstores, and through online retailers there are literally thousands upon thousands of books that can be read in a variety of categories.

One of those categories is in the area of personal finance and even more specifically saving money.

If this is your desire, then perhaps an investment or checking out your library to get one of these books into your possession may be a good teaching opportunity for you to be motivated to save money.

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SurveyJunkie (only USA, Canada, Australia residents allowed). You can earn money sharing your thoughts. They have already paid $25+ million to their 20+ million members just for sharing their thoughts and opinions. Click here to join SurveyJunkie for FREE

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Apart from being a seasoned Personal Finance expert who has written for top publications around the world, I bring significant personal financial experience. Long story short... through bad financial choices... I found myself $100,000 plus in debt. I was able to dissolve this indebtedness and regain financial solvency. This financial turn around was accomplished through reading, studying and implementing a financial plan. My financial plan included paying down my debt through budgeting, being cognizant of where my financial resources were being spent, changing my attitude about money and understanding the binding chains of the improper use of credit. Today, and for 10 years, I have been debt free and have invested wisely to enjoy my current retirement. This is allowing me to write to help others make, save and grow money wisely!